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836 bytes added ,  03:00, 20 March 2015
no edit summary
! ID
{{!}} int
{{!}} Unique identifier for the Subscription Editorial content id
{{!}}- valign="top"
! TitleName
{{!}} String
{{!}} The title for name of the subscription that editorial content{{!}}- valign="top" ! Url{{!}} String{{!}} Taken from URL column in the Editorial Content info{{!}}- valign="top" ! Description{{!}} String{{!}} Taken from Description column in the Editorial Content info{{!}}- valign="top" ! Keywords{{!}} String{{!}} Taken from Keywords column in the Editorial Content info{{!}}- valign="top" ! CatalogItemType{{!}} int{{!}} Property taken from object linked to the Editorial Content (0 if there is no catalog item related to the editorial content, just a banner){{!}}- valign="top" ! CatalogItemId{{!}} int{{!}} Property taken from object linked to the Editorial Content (0 if there is no catalog item related to the editorial content, just a banner){{!}}- valign="top" ! ResizableImages{{!}} Array of [[Image]]{{!}} It will only return the image matching the request deviceType, else it will use the default one (if exists). Thumbbox will not be shown to end usersused.{{!}}- valign="top" ! EventStartDate{{!}} Long{{!}} Timestamp that represents a date of event start.
{{!}}- valign="top"
: "ID": 5164,: "TitleName": "GVP2.0_RFA_SG_TSARecomendadoUX1",: "DescriptionUrl": "Description for GVP2.0_RFA_SG_TSA\r\nUsed for GVP2.0 RFA tets cases",: "ShortDescriptionDescription": "Short description about this purchase",: "DateStartKeywords": 1339538400,: "DateEnd": 1434751200,: "TypeCatalogItemType": 1,: "StatusCatalogItemId": 1565,: "TrialDaysResizableImages": 0,[: "Images": [ {:: : Array of [[Image]] object:: }: ],: "RequiredDaysEventStartDate": 45,0


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