Difference between revisions of "CreatePurchase"

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Line 68: Line 68:
* [[UserPurchasePinValueNoMatchException]]
* [[AuthenticationRequired]] --> If user Anonymous
* [[UserPurchasePinValueNoMatch]] --> if user pin doesn't match or sent empty
* [[InvalidPaymentType]] --> if paymentType = Unknown || (PaymentType not in product payment types)
* [[UserDoesNotHaveMandatorySubscription]] --> If mandatory subscription is active, User has not purchase it, and user is trying to buy a product != MandatorySubscription
* [[InvalidReturnOrCancelURL]] --> if paymentType = Paypal, webpay or worldpay and returnUrl or cancelURl empty or null
* [[InsufficientBalance]] --> if (paymentType = eWallet) && (User.eWallet < Price)
* [[ProductDoesNotExist]] --> if (product = null or product.ID <= 0)
* [[UserAlreadyHasProduct]] --> if product has been already bought
* [[InvalidPricingModelForThisProduct]] --> if pricingModel is not in the list of Available pricing models for this product
* [[PendingProductCanNotBePurchased]] --> if product.CanWatch == -2 (Pending purchase)
* [[ProductNotAvailableYet]] --> if (dateStart > DateTime.Now) Commercialization window has not begun
* [[ProductExpired]] --> if (dateEnd < DateTime.Now) Commercialization window has finished
* [[UserCantAcquire]] --> if canAquire = false (in this poing status != available in stock or no DeviceAvailability for current deviceType)
* [[SubscriptionNotAvailableForPurchaseType]] --> if (ProductType == Subscription and PurchaseType.ProvisioningOnly)
* [[WebpayIsntAvailableForRecurringPayment]] --> if paymentType = WebPay && PricingModel.IsRecurring
* [[NoCreditsRegistered]] --> if productType == credit and productId doesn't exist
* [[InvalidProductForInstance]] --> if productType == credit and credit belongs to other instance
* [[InvalidPricingModel]] --> if (pricingModel == null || pricingModel.ID == 0) && (productType != ProductType.Credit)
* [[InvalidPricingModelForThisProduct]] --> if pricingModel.instance != current instance
* [[GenericError]] --> CreateInternalPurchase or createExternalPurchase SQL exception
* [[PurchaseProcessFailed]] --> if PaymentType == Billing && OB synchronous mode && sync error
* [[InvalidTransactionId]] --> if PaymentType == eWallet and error with transactionID
* [[PurchaseNotFound]] --> if PaymentType == eWallet and error with purchase
* [[InvalidInstance]] --> if instance != purchaseInstance (Can`t happen)
* [[InvalidDeviceType]] -->  if purchaseDeviceType != currentDeviceType (Can`t happen)
* [[InvalidUser]] --> if purchaseUser != currentUser (Can`t happen)
* [[UserRightInsertUpdateError]] --> Error insert userRights in BBDD

Revision as of 12:21, 3 July 2015


Create a purchase for product


  • token (String, required)
A valid token for identifying the API session context and logged user.
  • productId (int, required)
Product Id of the subscription to be purchased
  • productType (int, required)
This use case deals with subscriptions.
  • pricingModelId (int, required)
Pricing Model Id
  • pin (String, required)
User purchase PIN
  • returnURL (String, required)
This parameter makes sense only with paypal an ewallet payment methods.
  • cancelURL (String, required)
This parameter makes sense only with paypal an ewallet payment methods.


Returns a JSON with a PurchaseResponse object containing information that Purchase has been created with success.



"Offset": 0,
"Limit": 100,
"Count": 6,
"Content": [
PurchaseResponse object




This method is not cached.

Known issues


Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial method design Harley Cabral

See also