Difference between revisions of "StatusCode"

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(Created page with "{{Api_Enum_Spec| Description=Represents the list of possible API response codes. |Values= {{{!}} border="2" style="width:800px;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" {{!}}- style="...")
Line 57: Line 57:
{{!}} InvalidChannelMap
{{!}} InvalidChannelMap
{{!}} Channel map not existing for region and technology
{{!}} Channel map not existing for region and technology
{{!}}- valign="top"
! 214
{{!}} InvalidInputParameter
{{!}} invalid Input Parameter
{{!}}- valign="top"
{{!}}- valign="top"

Revision as of 13:21, 3 September 2015

Represents the list of possible API response codes.


Value Name Details
-3 NotImplemented The method has not been implemented yet
-2 NotSupported The requested operation is not supported
-1 UnknownError There was an unknown error
0 OK
30 AuthenticationRequiredException Method invoked without required authentication (anonymous user)
144 InvalidLiveChannel Live channel does not exist
161 InvalidLiveProgram Live program does not exist
180 InvalidRegion Region does not exist
181 InvalidTVTechnology TV Technology does not exist
182 InvalidChannelMap Channel map not existing for region and technology
214 InvalidInputParameter invalid Input Parameter

Known issues


Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial method design Harley Cabral

See also