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Revision as of 13:19, 27 September 2017

Infobox info icon white.svg.png

Access to this menu in Betools through: LiveTVIcon.png Live > Blackout > Blackout GRC Areas

By using Blackouts, OBs can substitute a given TV channel (blackout channel) with other predefined alternate TV channel, for a group of users usually based on geographic location (Blackout region) and for a given time period. For example, some sports leagues only permit games to be televised in their local area if a certain minimum number of tickets are sold to the game, otherwise the game is blacked out for the users in this specific area. In order to manage blackouts the operator must be a member of OB Administrator’s group. The Blackout Agent synchronizes only channels (call-letters) that have a FS (Full Screen) and PIP (Picture-in-Picture). If a live channel does not have a related PIP service, it will not be synchronized in MiB.



This screen allows the Operator to create, update or delete a Blackout Area (GRC). This area is used to create a region code which the Mediaroom will use to administrate blackouts, it will define in what region the blackout will be applied. This concept is important as it is used to segment IPTV users in different regions on which the Operator can apply a Blackout between two different channels.

GRC basic properties

Field Description Restrictions
Name Internal name for the GRC.
  • Mandatory
Code Code (Integer) that will identify the region affected by the blackout. This code will also be used for provisioning users in Mediaroom.
  • Mandatory
Source Controls the access and visibility of this GRC for other operators. Only operators with rights over this source or its children will be able to see it.
  • Mandatory
Instance Instance where the GRC belongs to.
  • Mandatory


Create Edit Edit in List Bulk Edit Copy Copy with Relateds Delete

New3.png Create

GRC creation is enabled.

  1. Use the New3.png button to create an empty GRC.
  2. Fill all the GRC data.
  3. Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png button in the GRC page.

BulkEdit3.png Edit

GRC edit is enabled. It can be used to perform modification in the GRC data. Once finished modifying the GRC, save changes by using the Save3.png button in the GRC page.

P.S.: Please make sure that the Code you are selecting is unique and has not been used before for the specified instance.

Edit3.png Edit in List

GRC edit in list is disabled.

BulkEdit3.png Bulk Edit

Bulk Edit is enabled in GRC page, allowing you to modify several GRCs at the same time.

Copy3.png Copy

Copy is enabled for GRC. Using the Copy3.png button, you will be able to clone the basic information from the GRC into a new GRC. Once the channel map is copied, review that all the fields have been copied properly and press Save3.png Save button.

CopyWithRelateds3.png Copy with Relateds

Copy with relateds button is enabled for GRC page. Using the CopyWithRelateds3.png button, you will be able to clone a GRC and the relateds blocks into a new GRC. In this case, works just like the simple copy.

Delete3.png Delete

You can delete a GRC from the GRC Page, using the Delete3.png button. A confirmation popup will be shown before excluding it.

Important: Take into account that deleting a GRC zone will not have any effect on the users of the existing zone. If you need to delete an existing GRC zone you will have to update the GRC zone using UNICA API UpdateUser method. Also you will have to delete manually the existing Blackout Collections and the Blackout Schedules associated, as the Blackout Area will not automatically force their removal.