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(Created page with "{{Api_Method_Spec| Description= |Parameters= {{Api_Parameter| ParamName=token |ParamType=String |ParamRequired=required |ParamDescription=A valid token for identifying the API s...")
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|ParamDescription=The eventData parameter is an Object from AnalyticsEvenItem type and represent a set of data to register the event in the data base.
e.g. { "Timestamp" : "4315435114", "Event" : "Play", "Data" : {"Param": "Value", "Param2": "Value2" }}.

Revision as of 15:12, 5 June 2014



  • token (String, required)
A valid token for identifying the API session context. The token can be anonymous or logged.
The eventData parameter is an Object from AnalyticsEvenItem type and represent a set of data to register the event in the data base.

e.g. { "Timestamp" : "4315435114", "Event" : "Play", "Data" : {"Param": "Value", "Param2": "Value2".







Known issues


Version history


See also


  • mediaInfo (String, optional)

|Returns= Returns a JSON object ... .





|Exceptions= None

|Cache= This method is not cached.

|KnownIssues= None


API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial method design Harley Cabral
2.4 Ricardo Calvo

|SeeAlso= }}