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<span style="color:red">This page is deprecated. https://jirapdi.tid.es/browse/GVPPLATF-50084</span>
This section shows all purchases sent to SIA and its status. Recurrent products (subscriptions) have an additional block with renewals notified by SIA.
This section shows all purchases sent to SIA and its status. Recurrent products (subscriptions) have an additional block with renewals notified by SIA.
It is not possible to create, remove or edit items.  
It is not possible to create, remove or edit items.  

Latest revision as of 11:28, 17 June 2019

Infobox info icon white.svg.png

Access to this menu in Betools through: CommercialIcon.png Commercial > Purchases > SIA Purchases

This page is deprecated. https://jirapdi.tid.es/browse/GVPPLATF-50084

This section shows all purchases sent to SIA and its status. Recurrent products (subscriptions) have an additional block with renewals notified by SIA. It is not possible to create, remove or edit items.


SIA Purchases

SIA Purchases information

Field Description Restrictions
Purchase ID ID and Name of relative purchase. ReadOnly
Type Type of purchase. ReadOnly

Possible values are:

  • Transactional
  • Recurrent
Token Token used to pay this purchase. ReadOnly
SIA Subscription Identifier provided by SIA (output from SIA idSuscripcion ). ReadOnly
SIA Date Date in SIA (Output from SIA fechSIA) ReadOnly
SIA Transaction Date Date and time of transaction in SIA (Output from SIA "ffhhTrans"). ReadOnly
SIA Number Identifier of the operation in SIA (Output from SIA "numSIA"). ReadOnly
SIA Authorization Authorization number for this transaction (Output from SIA "numAut") ReadOnly
Retries Number of payment retries remaining before canceling a subscription. (Only recurrent charges, info from SIA) ReadOnly
Message Status code with more info about the code (info from SIA). (E.g. 0000-APROBADA). ReadOnly

SIA Purchases History

This block shows renovations of subscriptions notified by SIA. It is not possible to create, remove or edit items.

No hay datos de ejemplo para este bloque, por lo que no podemos hacer un print, ni tampoco conocer el orden actual de los campos

Field Description Restrictions
User User the subscription belongs to. ReadOnly
SIA Purchase Sia purchase the renewal is related to (GVP_PURCHASES_SIA.ID). ReadOnly
FECH Local time and date payment platform SIA(yyMMddHHmmss). Miami time and date. ReadOnly
SIA Number Operation Identifier in SIA. ReadOnly
NumAut Authorization Identifier in the Payment Network. ReadOnly
Status Renewal Status in SIA. ReadOnly

Only successful renewals are stored in this block so the only possible value is:

  • 01 Approved: Successful subscription renewal
SIA Number Identifier of the operation in SIA (Output from SIA "numSIA"). ReadOnly
SIA Authorization Authorization number for this transaction (Output from SIA "numAut") ReadOnly
Retries Number of payment retries remaining before canceling a subscription. (Only recurrent charges, info from SIA) ReadOnly
Message Status code with more info about the code (info from SIA). (E.g. 0000-APROBADA). ReadOnly


The user can only read the details of a Notifications Queue, no other actions are available.