Difference between revisions of "Countries Page Manual 3.0"

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Line 18: Line 18:
! style="width:40%;" | Restrictions
! style="width:40%;" | Restrictions
! style="text-align:left;" | Name
! style="text-align:left;border-left:5px solid red;" | Name
| Name for the country. Internal.
| Name for the country. Internal.
| -
* Mandatory
! style="text-align:left;" | Owner
! style="text-align:left;border-left:5px solid yellow;" | Owner
| Operator that created this item.
| Operator that created this item.
| Read Only
* Read Only
! style="text-align:left;" | Title
! style="text-align:left;border-left:5px solid red;" | Title
| Country title to be displayed in applications.
| Country title to be displayed in applications.
| -
* Mandatory
! style="text-align:left;" | Code
! style="text-align:left;border-left:5px solid red;" | Code
| Country code (i.e. br, es, us and so on.) This is a 2 digits code in international format (ISO 3166). Special countries can be defined in order to allow accessing the service from the IPTV network (code = "--" and code = "xx") internal IPs.  
| Country code (i.e. br, es, us and so on.) This is a 2 digits code in international format (ISO 3166). Special countries can be defined in order to allow accessing the service from the IPTV network (code = "--" and code = "xx") internal IPs.  
| -
* Mandatory

Revision as of 11:46, 18 June 2019

Infobox info icon white.svg.png

Access to this menu in Betools through: InstancesIcon.png Commons > Countries

This section allows Administrators to manage the different Countries available in the platform. Countries are associated to the different instances through the Instances page to control the countries where the service will be available



Countries information

Field Description Restrictions
Name Name for the country. Internal.
  • Mandatory
Owner Operator that created this item.
  • Read Only
Title Country title to be displayed in applications.
  • Mandatory
Code Country code (i.e. br, es, us and so on.) This is a 2 digits code in international format (ISO 3166). Special countries can be defined in order to allow accessing the service from the IPTV network (code = "--" and code = "xx") internal IPs.
  • Mandatory


Create Edit Edit in List Bulk Edit Copy Copy with Relateds Delete

New3.png Create

OB Administrators and Administrators can manage the list of countries.

  1. Use the New3.png button to create an empty country.
  2. Fill all the required information.
  3. Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png button.

BulkEdit3.png Edit

Country edition is enabled for operators. It can be used to modify some existing country information. Once finished modifying the information, save changes by using the Save3.png button in the edit page.

Edit3.png Edit in List

Edit in list is not enabled for this page.

BulkEdit3.png Bulk Edit

Bulk Edit is enabled in this page, allowing you to modify several items at the same time. However, not all the relateds blocks will be available for performing a bulk edit operation. The blocks available are:

  • Basic information

Copy3.png Copy

Copy is enabled in this page. Using the Copy3.png button, you will be able to clone the basic information from the country into a new country. Once the country is copied, review that all the fields have been copied properly and press Save3.png Save button.

Copy3.png Copy with relateds

Copy is enabled for this page and has the same behavior as Copy button.

Delete3.png Delete

Countries can be deleted by the operator using the Delete3.png button. A confirmation popup will be shown before excluding it.