Difference between revisions of "SimpleMovie"

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(7 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 64: Line 64:
{{!}}- valign="top"
{{!}}- valign="top"
! Images
{{!}} Array of [[Image]]
{{!}} Array of [[Image]] object registered in the platform.
{{!}}- valign="top"
! IsDtp
! IsDtp
Line 142: Line 138:
{{!}} String
{{!}} String
{{!}} A string that represent a name of the movie.
{{!}} A string that represent a name of the movie.
{{!}}- valign="top"
! TransparentProvider
{{!}} [[TransparentProvider]]
{{!}} bgcolor="green" {{!}} '''NEW in 4.0''' Provider (None, HBO, Fox...) of the TransparentCatchup content
{{!}}- valign="top"
{{!}}- valign="top"
Line 162: Line 163:
{{!}} Array of int
{{!}} Array of int
{{!}} bgcolor="#7DC04E" {{!}} '''NEW IN 3.2!''' List of Subscription IDs where this Movie is available in (as commercial offer)
{{!}} bgcolor="#7DC04E" {{!}} '''NEW IN 3.2!''' List of Subscription IDs where this Movie is available in (as commercial offer)
{{!}}- valign="top"
! SeriesPid
{{!}} String
{{!}} bgcolor="#7DC04E" {{!}} '''NEW IN 8.2!''' To indicate which is the new LiveSeries (LSR) object or the VoDSeries (SER) object that the movie belongs
{{!}}- valign="top"
! SeasonPid
{{!}} String
{{!}} bgcolor="#7DC04E" {{!}} '''NEW IN 8.2!''' To indicate which is the new LiveSeasons (LSE) object or the VoDSeasons (SEA) object that the movie belongs
{{!}}- valign="top"
{{!}}- valign="top"
Line 191: Line 202:
:        "Views": 235,
:        "Views": 235,
:        "ShortDescription": "Bem-vindo ao canal ...",
:        "ShortDescription": "Bem-vindo ao canal ...",
:        "Images": [
::          Array of [[Image]] object
:        ],
:        "ResizableImages": [
:        "ResizableImages": [
::          Array of [[Image]] object
::          Array of [[Image]] object
Line 208: Line 216:
:        "PlaybackAccess": 2,
:        "PlaybackAccess": 2,
:        "IsDtp": false,
:        "IsDtp": false,
:        "TransparentProvider" : 0,
:        "Distributor": {
:        "Distributor": {
::            [[Distributor]] object
::            [[Distributor]] object
Line 216: Line 225:
:        },
:        },
:        "Subscriptions": [121,423,655,704]
:        "Subscriptions": [121,423,655,704]
:        "SeriesPid": LSRXXXX,
:        "SeasonPid": LSEXXXX,
Line 239: Line 250:
{{!}} Added:
{{!}} Added:
* Subscriptions
* Subscriptions
* Images Array
{{!}}  Francisco Milagro
{{!}}  Francisco Milagro
{{!}}- valign="top"
! 4.0
{{!}} Added field TransparentProvider
{{!}} Jose A. Jiménez
{{!}}- valign="top"
{{!}}- valign="top"

Latest revision as of 13:51, 29 June 2020

Infobox info icon.svg.png

You are accessing the latest version of this data type, according to /service3.0 (3.2) specification. To access older versions of this object, access SimpleMovie_3.0

SimpleMovie is an object that represent a Movie registered in the platform to get all data information about a movie. Similar to Movie object, this method doesn't has user data information as CanWatch and Access rights, so this object is a bit more fast then Movie object when return in method.


Field Data Type Description
AgeRating InstanceAgeRating An object that contains all information about the ageRatings of the movie returned.
AvailableForThisDevice bool Set if the movie is available for the device from the currently request (device logged for the request).
AvailableForThisDeviceInHD bool Set if the movie is available for the device in HD mode in currently request (device logged for the request).
AvailableForThisDeviceInSD bool Set if the movie is available for the device in SD mode in currently request (device logged for the request).
ChildrenCount int
CommercializationType CommercializationType An enumeration represented by a number that represent a type as the product is commercialised.
Distributor Distributor An object that contains information about the distributor.
Duration int A number that represent the time duration of the movie expressed in seconds.
Genres Genre An object that contains an array of Genre object assigned to movie.
ID int A unique identifier for the movie
IsDtp bool Set if the movie is available to be downloaded and play offline.
Medias Media Array of Media object that contains a series of information about the movie's media.
OrderEpisode int Set the episode order that wants to be returned the content.
PlaybackAccess PlaybackRight A number that indicate a kind of right the user has rights access.
Producer Producer An object that represent the producer of the movie.
RequiresPin bool Set if the PIN is necessary to access the movie and playback.
ResizableImages Array of Image
SeasonId int If a movie is a part of Season (an Episode), the season id gonna come here to indicate which season's parent.
SeasonNumber int GVP 3.0. If a movie is a part of Season (an Episode), it contains the season number.
SeriesId int If a movie is a part of Series (an Season), the series id gonna come here to indicate which season's parent.
SeriesName String GVP 3.0. If a movie is a part of Series (such as an Episode or a Season), it contains the series name
ShortDescription String A short description about the movie.
Stars double The average of rating stars all user classify a movie.
Subtitles Subtitle Array of Subtitle object.
Title String A string that represent a name of the movie.
TransparentProvider TransparentProvider NEW in 4.0 Provider (None, HBO, Fox...) of the TransparentCatchup content
Type MovieType Enumerate that represents a kind of movie is the content. It can be
Views int Number of view the content has been visualised.
Year int A year of the movie.
Subscriptions Array of int NEW IN 3.2! List of Subscription IDs where this Movie is available in (as commercial offer)
SeriesPid String NEW IN 8.2! To indicate which is the new LiveSeries (LSR) object or the VoDSeries (SER) object that the movie belongs
SeasonPid String NEW IN 8.2! To indicate which is the new LiveSeasons (LSE) object or the VoDSeasons (SEA) object that the movie belongs



"ID": 13939,
"SeriesId": 0,
"SeriesName": "",
"SeasonId": 0,
"SeasonNumber": 0,
"Type": 1,
"Title": "_Bem-vindo ao canal Adulto",
"Duration": 60,
"Year": 0,
"AgeRating": {
InstanceAgeRating object
"Subtitles": [
Array of Subtitle object
"Genres": [
Array of Genre objects
"Stars": 2.81818181818182,
"Views": 235,
"ShortDescription": "Bem-vindo ao canal ...",
"ResizableImages": [
Array of Image object
"RequiresPin": true,
"ChildrenCount": 0,
"Medias": [
Array of Media
"AvailableForThisDevice": true,
"AvailableForThisDeviceInHD": true,
"AvailableForThisDeviceInSD": true,
"OrderEpisode": 0,
"PlaybackAccess": 2,
"IsDtp": false,
"TransparentProvider" : 0,
"Distributor": {
Distributor object
"CommercializationType": 4,
"Producer": {
"Subscriptions": [121,423,655,704]
"SeriesPid": LSRXXXX,
"SeasonPid": LSEXXXX,


Known issues


Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial data type implementation Harley Cabral
3.2 Added:
  • Subscriptions


  • Images Array
Francisco Milagro
4.0 Added field TransparentProvider Jose A. Jiménez

See also