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88 bytes added ,  15:03, 13 June 2014
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NOTE: Each event in the array eventData has the three members: timestamp, event and data. The data parameter could be create with dynamic fields as needed. It's sent in composed by a sequence of key:value.
For example: If wants to send three groups of data and it has different name. The application should control the order to sent thatand can sent many events in each one.
* First batch:
: - Timstamp: { now }
: - Event: DetailsNavigationFirstBatch: - Data: [ Array of Event object with information ] * Second batch: - Timstamp: { now }: - Event: SecondBatch: - Data: [ Array of Event object with information ] * Third batch: - Timstamp: { now }: - Event: ThirdBatch: - Data: [ Array of Event object with information ] 
* Second batch<br>
: - Timstamp: { now }<br>
: - Event: RentProcess<br>
: - Data: { object with information }<br>
* Third batch<br>
: - Timstamp: { now }<br>
: - Event: WatchingXperience<br>
: - Data: { object with information }<br>
|ParamDescription=The eventData parameter is an [[AnalyticsEvenItemAnalyticsEventItem]] object type and represent a set of data to register the event in the Mongo data base.
: e.g.
:: {
::: eventData: [
:::: {
::::: "Timestamp" : "4315435114",::::: "Event" : "Navigation",::::: "Data" ::::::: [::::::: {"ChannelListed": "channel_name1", "ProductId": "123" },::::::: {"PageViewed": "page_name1", "ProductId": "123" },::::::: {"ButtonClicked": "button_name1", "ProductId": "123" },::::::: {"ButtonClicked": "button_name2", "ProductId": "123" },::::::: {"PageViewed": "page_name2", "ProductId": "456" }:::::: ]
:::: }
::: ]


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