Difference between revisions of "CreatePurchase"

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(8 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 18: Line 18:
|ParamDescription=This use case deals with subscriptions.
|ParamDescription=This use case deals with subscriptions.
Line 26: Line 26:
|ParamDescription=Pricing Model Id
|ParamDescription=[[PricingModel]] Id
Line 51: Line 51:
|ParamDescription=This parameter makes sense only with paypal an ewallet payment methods.
|ParamDescription=This parameter makes sense only with paypal an ewallet payment methods.
'''NEW IN 8.2!'''
|ParamDescription=Recommendation Id
|ParamDescription=Recommendation Reference
Line 68: Line 81:
* [[AuthenticationRequired]] --> If user Anonymous
* 30 - [[AuthenticationRequired]] --> If user Anonymous
* [[UserPurchasePinValueNoMatch]] --> if user pin doesn't match or sent empty
* 62 - [[UserPurchasePinValueNoMatch]] --> if user pin doesn't match or sent empty
* [[InvalidPaymentType]] --> if paymentType = Unknown || (PaymentType not in product payment types)
* 100 - [[InvalidPaymentType]] --> if paymentType = Unknown or PaymentType not in product payment types
* [[UserDoesNotHaveMandatorySubscription]] --> If mandatory subscription is active, User has not purchase it, and user is trying to buy a product != MandatorySubscription
* 113 - [[UserDoesNotHaveMandatorySubscription]] --> If mandatory subscription is active, User has not purchase it, and user is trying to buy a product != MandatorySubscription
* [[InvalidReturnOrCancelURL]] --> if paymentType = Paypal, webpay or worldpay and returnUrl or cancelURl empty or null
* 130 - [[InvalidReturnOrCancelURL]] --> if paymentType = Paypal, webpay or worldpay and returnUrl or cancelURl empty or null
* [[InsufficientBalance]] --> if (paymentType = eWallet) && (User.eWallet < Price)
* 87 - [[InsufficientBalance]] --> if (paymentType = eWallet) && (User.eWallet < Price)
* [[ProductDoesNotExist]] --> if (product = null or product.ID <= 0)
* 109 - [[ProductDoesNotExist]] --> if (product = null or product.ID <= 0)
* [[UserAlreadyHasProduct]] --> if product has been already bought
* 23 - [[UserAlreadyHasProduct]] --> if product has been already bought
* [[InvalidPricingModelForThisProduct]] --> if pricingModel is not in the list of Available pricing models for this product
* 82 - [[InvalidPricingModelForThisProduct]] --> if pricingModel is not in the list of Available pricing models for this product
* [[PendingProductCanNotBePurchased]] --> if product.CanWatch == -2 (Pending purchase)
* 150 - [[PendingProductCanNotBePurchased]] --> if product.CanWatch == -2 (Pending purchase)
* [[ProductNotAvailableYet]] --> if (dateStart > DateTime.Now) Commercialization window has not begun
* 122 - [[ProductNotAvailableYet]] --> if (dateStart > DateTime.Now) Commercialization window has not begun
* [[ProductExpired]] --> if (dateEnd < DateTime.Now) Commercialization window has finished
* 123 - [[ProductExpired]] --> if (dateEnd < DateTime.Now) Commercialization window has finished
* [[UserCantAcquire]] --> if canAquire = false (in this poing status != available in stock or no DeviceAvailability for current deviceType)
* 96 - [[UserCantAcquire]] --> if canAquire = false (in this poing status != available in stock or no DeviceAvailability for current deviceType)
* [[SubscriptionNotAvailableForPurchaseType]] --> if (ProductType == Subscription and PurchaseType.ProvisioningOnly)
* 153 - [[SubscriptionNotAvailableForPurchaseType]] --> if (ProductType == Subscription and PurchaseType.ProvisioningOnly)
* [[WebpayIsntAvailableForRecurringPayment]] --> if paymentType = WebPay && PricingModel.IsRecurring
* 146 - [[WebpayIsntAvailableForRecurringPayment]] --> if paymentType = WebPay && PricingModel.IsRecurring
* [[NoCreditsRegistered]] --> if productType == credit and productId doesn't exist
* 47 - [[NoCreditsRegistered]] --> if productType == credit and productId doesn't exist
* [[InvalidProductForInstance]] --> if productType == credit and credit belongs to other instance
* 55 - [[InvalidProductForInstance]] --> if productType == credit and credit belongs to other instance
* [[InvalidPricingModel]] --> if (pricingModel == null || pricingModel.ID == 0) && (productType != ProductType.Credit)
* 86 - [[InvalidPricingModel]] --> if (pricingModel == null OR pricingModel.ID == 0) && (productType != ProductType.Credit)
* [[InvalidPricingModelForThisProduct]] --> if pricingModel.instance != current instance
* 82 -[[InvalidPricingModelForThisProduct]] --> if pricingModel.instance != current instance
* [[GenericError]] --> CreateInternalPurchase or createExternalPurchase SQL exception
* 128 - [[GenericError]] --> CreateInternalPurchase or createExternalPurchase SQL exception
* [[PurchaseProcessFailed]] --> if PaymentType == Billing && OB synchronous mode && sync error
* 85 - [[PurchaseProcessFailed]] --> if PaymentType == Billing && OB synchronous mode && sync error
* [[InvalidTransactionId]] --> if PaymentType == eWallet and error with transactionID
* 48 - [[InvalidTransactionId]] --> if PaymentType == eWallet and error with transactionID
* [[PurchaseNotFound]] --> if PaymentType == eWallet and error with purchase
* 164 - [[PurchaseNotFound]] --> if PaymentType == eWallet and error with purchase
* [[InvalidInstance]] --> if instance != purchaseInstance (Can`t happen)
* 39 - [[InvalidInstance]] --> if instance != purchaseInstance (Can`t happen)
* [[InvalidDeviceType]] -->  if purchaseDeviceType != currentDeviceType (Can`t happen)
* 15 - [[InvalidDeviceType]] -->  if purchaseDeviceType != currentDeviceType (Can`t happen)
* [[InvalidUser]] --> if purchaseUser != currentUser (Can`t happen)
* 36 - [[InvalidUser]] --> if purchaseUser != currentUser (Can`t happen)
* [[UserRightInsertUpdateError]] --> Error insert userRights in BBDD
* 108 -[[UserRightInsertUpdateError]] --> Error insert userRights in BBDD
Line 112: Line 125:
{{!}} Initial method design
{{!}} Initial method design
{{!}} Harley Cabral
{{!}} Harley Cabral
{{!}}- valign="top"
! 3.2
{{!}} Enabled TVOD purchase of Series
{{!}} Pedro Caamaño

Latest revision as of 13:08, 10 August 2020


Create a purchase for product


  • token (String, required)
A valid token for identifying the API session context and logged user.
  • productId (int, required)
Product Id of the subscription to be purchased
This use case deals with subscriptions.
  • pricingModelId (int, required)
PricingModel Id
  • pin (String, required)
User purchase PIN
  • returnURL (String, required)
This parameter makes sense only with paypal an ewallet payment methods.
  • cancelURL (String, required)
This parameter makes sense only with paypal an ewallet payment methods.

NEW IN 8.2!

  • TrackId (String, optional)
Recommendation Id
  • UxReference (String, optional)
Recommendation Reference


Returns a JSON with a PurchaseResponse object containing information that Purchase has been created with success.



"Offset": 0,
"Limit": 100,
"Count": 6,
"Content": [
PurchaseResponse object




This method is not cached.

Known issues


Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial method design Harley Cabral
3.2 Enabled TVOD purchase of Series Pedro Caamaño

See also