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This is the last step of Pricing Management, where the user can make the association between pricing model group and the products.
This page allows you to manage discount codes.
This section defines the price to a product in an instance. Pricing Products is where it set prices for products, by individual selection or an entire product type (using the Object Id field).
Note that:
The individual price has priority over the default price.
The purpose of the default value is to help the OB manager do not left a product without price, or set the default price with the most used price, and set individually just the exceptions.
So if you want to set an individual price to a specific Pricing Product, it will be necessary fill the Object Id field with the Id of the product (movie, subscription, season, bundle, etc). Or it is possible to set an entire product type, for that, it will be necessary let empty the Object Id field and just set the Product Type you want (movie, subscription, season, bundle, etc) to be applied the prices for all product type selected.
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! style="text-align:left;border-left:5px solid red;" | Active
! style="text-align:left;border-left:5px solid red;" | Active
| Indicates if it is enabled / disabled.
| Indicates if it is enabled / disabled.
* Mandatory
! style="text-align:left;border-left:5px solid red;" | Commercial Code
| Commercial Code from OSS Systems.
* Mandatory
* Mandatory
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* Mandatory
* Mandatory
! style="text-align:left;border-left:5px solid red;" | Operator Voucher
| Mark voucher as "provision only" in order to filter it in the UI.
* Mandatory
! style="text-align:left;border-left:5px solid red;" | Deletable
| Mark deletable in order to block new purchases of this voucher.
* Mandatory
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Note: For now the user must select directly the Id from MiB. An improvement to turn this field as relational is already planned and will be done on the next phases of the project. Finishing all this 3 steps, you will have all the pricing model’s associated with the product, e.g:
=== Voucher Code ===
Code generator block, where operator can configure a code or request MIB3 to generate a new code.
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[[File:VoucherCode.png|center|800px|thumb|Voucher Code Block]]
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In other words, if the movie has only the pricing model associate on the Instance, the price of instance will be shown, if the movie has a specific price, this specific price will be shown.
=== Discount Type ===
In case that some movie is inside a subscription, the pricing model of this subscription will appear as an option to be bought as part of this subscription. However, only one and the newest subscription will appear on movie/season page.  
Allows you to manage the type of discount that is applied to vouchers
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[[File:DiscountType.png|center|800px|thumb|Discount Type Block]]
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=== Voucher Code ===
=== Redemption Restriction ===
[[File:PriceXProductForm.jpg|center|800px|thumb|Price X Product basic properties]]
Shows stored restrictions in terms of number of uses.
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[[File:RedemptionRestriction.png|center|800px|thumb|Redemption Restriction Block]]
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=== Discount Type ===
=== Valid for (users) ===
[[File:PriceXProductForm.jpg|center|800px|thumb|Price X Product basic properties]]
Allows to configure eligible users. Operator can add a list of users, a list of subscriptions and or a minimum creation date. User will have to fulfill every criteria to be eligible.
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[[File:ValidForUsers.png|center|800px|thumb|Valid For Users Block]]
=== Redemption Restriction ===
<br />
=== Valid for (products) ===
[[File:PriceXProductForm.jpg|center|800px|thumb|Price X Product basic properties]]
Allows you to configure eligible products, to apply the terms of the vouchers.
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[[File:ValidForProducts.png|center|800px|thumb|Valid For Products Block]]
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=== Valid for (users) ===
=== Pricing Criteria ===
[[File:PriceXProductForm.jpg|center|800px|thumb|Price X Product basic properties]]
Allows you to manage pricing criteria related to vouchers.
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=== Valid for (products) ===
[[File:PricingCriteriaBlock.jpg|center|800px|thumb|Pricing Criteria Block]]
[[File:PriceXProductForm.jpg|center|800px|thumb|Price X Product basic properties]]
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=== Devices Type Availability ===
=== Devices Type Availability ===
[[File:PriceXProductForm.jpg|center|800px|thumb|Price X Product basic properties]]
It allows enabling / disabling the devices where the vouchers will be applied.
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[[File:DeviceTypeAvailabilityBlockVouchers.png|center|800px|thumb|Device Type Availability Block]]
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Revision as of 11:53, 10 October 2022

Infobox info icon white.svg.png

Access to this menu in Betools through: CommercialIcon.png Commercial > Pricing > Vouchers

This page allows you to manage discount codes.



Vouchers basic properties

Field Description Restrictions
Name Name for this Voucher. Informative, should be a descriptive name..
  • Mandatory
Description Description vouchers.
Source Controls the access and visibility of this Voucher for other operators. Only operators with rights over this source or its children will be able to see it.
  • Mandatory
Instance Instance where the price x product belongs to.
Active Indicates if it is enabled / disabled.
  • Mandatory
Commercial Code Commercial Code from OSS Systems.
  • Mandatory
Start Date Date when the voucher starts.
  • Mandatory
End Date Date when the voucher ends.
  • Mandatory
Operator Voucher Mark voucher as "provision only" in order to filter it in the UI.
  • Mandatory
Deletable Mark deletable in order to block new purchases of this voucher.
  • Mandatory

Voucher Code

Code generator block, where operator can configure a code or request MIB3 to generate a new code.

Voucher Code Block

Discount Type

Allows you to manage the type of discount that is applied to vouchers

Discount Type Block

Redemption Restriction

Shows stored restrictions in terms of number of uses.

Redemption Restriction Block

Valid for (users)

Allows to configure eligible users. Operator can add a list of users, a list of subscriptions and or a minimum creation date. User will have to fulfill every criteria to be eligible.

Valid For Users Block

Valid for (products)

Allows you to configure eligible products, to apply the terms of the vouchers.

Valid For Products Block

Pricing Criteria

Allows you to manage pricing criteria related to vouchers.

Pricing Criteria Block

Devices Type Availability

It allows enabling / disabling the devices where the vouchers will be applied.

Device Type Availability Block


Create Edit Edit in List Bulk Edit Copy Copy with Relateds Delete

New3.png Create

Price X Product creation is enabled by default for most of the Content operator profiles.

  1. Use the New3.png button to create an empty Price X Product.
  2. Fill all the Price X Product data.
  3. Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png button in the Price X Product page.

BulkEdit3.png Edit

Price X Product edit is enabled. It can be used to perform modification in the Price X Product data. Once finished modifying the Price X Product, save changes by using the Save3.png button in the Price X Product page.

Edit3.png Edit in List

Edit in list is disabled for Price X Products

BulkEdit3.png Bulk Edit

Bulk Edit is enabled in the Price X Product page, allowing you to modify several Price X Product at the same time. However, not all the relateds blocks will be available for performing a bulk edit operation. The block available are:

  • Basic Price X Product information

Copy3.png Copy

Copy is enabled for Price X Products. Using the Copy3.png button, you will be able to clone the basic information from the Price X Product into a new Price X Product. The relateds will not be copied using this mode. Once the Price X Product is copied, review that all the fields have been copied properly and press Save3.png Save button.

CopyWithRelateds3.png Copy with Relateds

Copy with related is disabled for Price X Products.

Delete3.png Delete

You can delete a Price X Product either from the Price X Product Page, using the Delete3.png button. A confirmation popup will be shown before excluding it.