Difference between revisions of "CommercializationType"

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Line 39: Line 39:
! 5
! 5
{{!}} ExternalCATCHUP
{{!}} ExternalCATCHUP
{{!}} bgcolor="#FF2600" {{!}} ''NEW in 2.4''' Sets the external content that can be used in specific place but usually contents from third partner.
{{!}} bgcolor="green" {{!}} ''NEW in 2.4''' Sets the external content that can be used in specific place but usually contents from third partner.
{{!}}- valign="top"
{{!}}- valign="top"

Revision as of 20:52, 18 September 2014

Enumeration that represents the types of commercialisation of Movie is available in the system.

The property doesn't have any processing by the GVP, it's only a flag for the content that can be used by device or other filter from UNIAPI.


Value Name Details
0 Unknown
1 CATCHUP Define the content that have been recorded and is available to be watched after the live reproduction.
2 TVOD Sets the transactional content. Content that can be rented when the user wants.
3 SVOD Sets the subscription content.
4 FreeVOD Sets the Free content.
5 ExternalCATCHUP NEW in 2.4' Sets the external content that can be used in specific place but usually contents from third partner.

Known issues


Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial method design Harley Cabral
2.4 Add the ExternalCATCHUP in 2.4 Ricardo Calvo

See also