Difference between revisions of "GetRecordingSchedule"

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Line 46: Line 46:
*212 RecordingSubscriberNotSubscribed ''Mirada''
*212 RecordingSubscriberNotSubscribed ''Mirada''
*213 RecordingUnknownError ''MiViewTv, Mirada, Mediaroom''
*213 RecordingUnknownError ''MiViewTv, Mirada, Mediaroom''
*223 RecordingProgramNotFound ''MiViewTv''
*223 RecordingProgramNotFound ''MiViewTv, Mirada''
*235 RequestedLanguagesUnavailable ''Mirada''
*235 RequestedLanguagesUnavailable ''Mirada''
*236 RecordingUpdatedFromAnotherDevice ''Mirada''
*236 RecordingUpdatedFromAnotherDevice ''Mirada''

Revision as of 10:16, 5 November 2014


Gets info on a specific recording schedule (returned as a RecordingSchedule object). The Id of the recording schedule to be retrieved is provided as an input parameter.

* MiViewTV comments:

  • Because of the "reutilisation" of programIds in "virtual channels", a programId could be repeated in different channels. This way, although ALU considers the concept of "recording (schedule) id" (with value equal to the programId), a programId is actually not enough to identify a precise recording, as it is also necessary to provide the channelId. This way, the real value that allows a unique identification of recording schedules in ALU is the combination of programId (or recording_id in the ALU model) + channelId (service_uid in the ALU terminology). This way, the id of the recording schedule returned to clients by UNIAPI (member "ID" of the object RecordingSchedule), in the case of MiView, will be a string concatenating the id (programId) with the service_uid (channel). eg: "4800508_3" (where 4800508 would be the recording id/programId returned by MiView and "3" would be the corresponding service_uid)

* Mirada comments:

  • In the case of series/recurring recording schedules, a usual case is that the client requests info on the "parent"/container RecordingSchedule (in order to later cancel/delete the whole series definition, etc.). Please, notice that this RecordingSchedule will be (in this case for series) just a "container" or parent definition, with no precise event (program, channel, time) info associated.
  • In Mirada, when creating a "series recording schedule", UNIAPI only creates the "containter"/parent recording, and the STB will add all the associated episodes automatically (as a recording "Linked" to a parent recording). In the case of series, Mirada method will return the "parent"/container recording that will not have associated "events" and all the recordings for the precise "events" associated to that "parent". "Child" recordings will have a reference to their parent (series recording schedule)


  • token (String, required)
A valid token for identifying the API session context and logged user.
  • recordingScheduleId (string, required)
ID (string) of the Recording Schedule to retrieve info
  • targetDeviceId (int, optional)
Allows identifying the user's device (STB) on which the application will be applied, in the case that several DVR devices may exist in the household (does not apply to MiView and Mediaroom)


Returns a RecordingSchedule object.



RecordingSchedule object



Possible error results (included in the GVP general error list) are:

  • 8 MissingRequiredParameter Mirada
  • 211 RecordingSubscriberNotFound MiViewTv, Mirada, Mediaroom
  • 212 RecordingSubscriberNotSubscribed Mirada
  • 213 RecordingUnknownError MiViewTv, Mirada, Mediaroom
  • 223 RecordingProgramNotFound MiViewTv, Mirada
  • 235 RequestedLanguagesUnavailable Mirada
  • 236 RecordingUpdatedFromAnotherDevice Mirada
  • 239 RecordingNotFound MiViewTv
  • 245 RecordingUnknownRecordingType Mediaroom
  • 246 RecordingUnknownPagingType Mediaroom


This method is not cached.

Known issues


Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
2.4 drop 1 Initial method design (for MiView, Mirada and Mediaroom)

See also