Difference between revisions of "GetAuraToken"

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Description=This method requires an authenticated token, and returns the Aura ID associated with the DeviceId in the token (from GVP_USERS_AUTH_TOKENS table).
Description=This method allows the applications to retrieve the Aura Token information, required to establish the communication with Aura backend. This method requires an authenticated token and reads  the AURA_API_KEY_DEVICE_TYPES parameter for the device type calling and performs a GET request to the AURA_TOKEN_URL parameter, passing the api key in the authorization header.
It returns a JSON containing al the information retrieved from the Aura token service.  
If no Aura Id is found associated with the DeviceId, it triggers the JWT Bearer based authentication process and as a result, it returns the AuraId retrieved or an error code.
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Returns a JSON object containing the Aura ID
Returns a JSON object containing the Aura token information
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* AuthenticationRequired: 30. Returned when the method is called without a valid authenticated token
* AuthenticationRequired: 30. Returned when the method is called without a valid authenticated token
* FourthPlatformNotAvailable: 320. Returned when the 4P endpoints are not available or returned an error
* AuraEndpointNotAvailable: 318. Returned when the Aura endpoint returns an error or is not available
* UserNotFoundInFourthPlatform : 321. Returned when the 4P User Profile search for the user UNIQUE ID doesn't return any results
* AuraBearerGenerationException : 322. Returned when there is an error in the generation of the JWT Bearer token (invalid private key)

Latest revision as of 22:22, 15 November 2020


This method allows the applications to retrieve the Aura Token information, required to establish the communication with Aura backend. This method requires an authenticated token and reads  the AURA_API_KEY_DEVICE_TYPES parameter for the device type calling and performs a GET request to the AURA_TOKEN_URL parameter, passing the api key in the authorization header. It returns a JSON containing al the information retrieved from the Aura token service.


  • token (String, required)
A valid token for identifying the API session context. The a logged token is required.


Returns a JSON object containing the Aura token information


"conversationId": "AXCifkJXwYkEjDkxWgA4gw", 
"token":"ew0KICAiYWxnIjogIlJTMjU2IiwNCiAgImtpZCI6ICJBT08tZXhGd2puR3lDTEJhOTgwVkxOME1tUTgiLA0KICAieDV0IjogIkFPTy1leEZ3am5HeUNMQmE5ODBWTE4wTW1ROCIsDQogICJ0eXAiOiiSldUIg0KfQ.ew0KICAiYm90IjogIkJPVC1hdXJhLWFwLWN1cnJlbnQiLA0KICAic2l0ZSI6ICItb1ZZOXU3OWU5TSIsDQogICJjb252IjogIkFYQ2lma0pYd1lrRWpEa3hXZ0E0Z3ctYSIsDQogICJuYmYiOiAxNTgwODAzNzIzLA0KICAiZXhwIjogMTU4MDgwNzMyMywNCiAgImlzcyI6ICJodHRwczovL2RpcmVjdGxpbmUuYm90ZnJhbWV3b3JrLmNvbS8iLA0KICAiYXVkIjogImh0dHBzOi8vZGlyZWN0bGluZS5ib3RmcmFtZXdvcmsuY29tLyINCn0.NIQfSRXW_EoRGkRDIuHoo87Jf0CD5QF4l5xu8lnPBc2Te4ttTBpdBtEXXZqqO035ChBcRtFi3G6v3DQNJ6K37BP0fW0HFvC5ZjsE9aDfYhjRT4DQprbgDspwlVL4hmIiu_ghdcp0eXN7PUbhp4sNEbQn3j6l0Ujuxh9c3Y2BHbPC2zyr9gUMDYzfYRRwVaIeKVpRu044sP_Zhg6WuycBQvkJjfWAdT4c_K_StJ4zbravMFX6VIVV_kVKfQu_4_YNRMMi93rY0awXjyD_SA JW1ux8QEOsFS4S4MddOtERNh1ZloSd9ynEo5NMWlNxfvNJxql3RtUQKARZyFMGTGg", 
"expires_in": 3600, 
"streamUrl": "wss://directline.botframework.com/v3/directline/conversations/AXCifkJXwYkEjDkxWgA4gw-a/stream?watermark=&t=ew0KICAiYWxnIjogIlJTMjU2IiwNCiAgImtpZCI6ICJBT08tZXhGd2puR3lDTEJhOTgwVkxOME1tUTgiLA0KICAieDV0IjogIkFPTy1leEZ3am5HeUNMQmE5ODBWTE4wTW1ROCIsDQgICJ0eXAiOiAiSldUIg0KfQ.ew0KICAiYm90IjogIkJPVC1hdXJhLWFwLWN1cnJlbnQiLA0KICAic2l0ZSI6ICItb1ZZOXU3OWU5TSIsDQogICJjb252IjogIkFYQ2lma0pYd1lrRWpEa3hXZ0E0Z3ctSIsDQogICJuYmYiOiAxNTgwODAzNzIzLA0KICAiZXhwIjogMTU4MDgwMzc4MywNCiAgImlzcyI6ICJodHRwczovL2RpcmVjdGxpbmUuYm90ZnJhbWV3b3JrLmNvbS8iLA0KICAiYXVkIjogImh0dHBzO8vZGlyZWN0bGlu ZS5ib3RmcmFtZXdvcmsuY29tLyINCn0.FLdLsO-9Q--ZOiJzU-",
"referenceGrammarId": "4fcf85f0-4838-b45f-8290-6619774f88a8"


  • AuthenticationRequired: 30. Returned when the method is called without a valid authenticated token
  • AuraEndpointNotAvailable: 318. Returned when the Aura endpoint returns an error or is not available


This method is not cached.

Known issues

  • None

Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
8.3 Initial method design Francisco Milagro

See also