Difference between revisions of "Content Sources Page Manual 3.0"

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[[File:CDNDeliveryBucketsBlock_2.png|thumb|CDN Delivery Buckets information|center|800px]]
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Latest revision as of 16:56, 14 May 2024

Infobox info icon white.svg.png

Access to this menu in Betools through: AdminIcon.png Administration > Access Control > Content Sources


Content Sources

Sources in GVP define the different products that GVP will generate from an original content, considering video. These transformations are defined by Encoding Profiles. Multiple Encoding Profiles can be assigned to a single Source. Each directory created in the NAS storage has to be assigned to a Source.

Content Sources basic properties

Field Description Restrictions
CDN Push Rules CDN Push Rules to define if the CDN Mode will be PUSH or PULL.
Name Given name to the Content Source * Mandatory
Content Avaiable In Stock E-Mail Address Type the appropriate e-mail address if required.
Content Rejected In QC Stage E-Mail Address Type the appropriate e-mail address if required.
Owner MiB User that uploaded/created this source. ReadOnly.
Title Title
Parent Source The place in the source’s tree when this new source is located. GVP structures the sources into a tree.
Priority Select “10” (Criterion priority over other sources).
Authentication Deprecated.
GCDN Global CDN, when it is not defined a CDN customized the GCDN is used as default.
Quota Limit (Hours) Time in hours that the source will use the DMM.
Automatic Purge Approval Period A period of time for automatic purge approval.
Automatic Purge Approval Turns on/off the Automatic Purge Approval Period.
Retention Period (Days) It calculates the time to the content be ready to get approval to purge.
(OLD) CDN Mode CDN Mode can be PUSH or PULL.

CDN Delivery Buckets

It is possible to associate a CDN Bucket to a Source.

CDN Delivery Buckets information
CDN Delivery Buckets information

Add existing CDN Delivery Bucket Item

  • Click the AddExisting.png button and a dialog will open to select a existing CDN Delivery Bucket.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the Content Sources page.

Delete Editorial Content Catalog Item

  • Use the DeleteRed3.png button to remove the relationship between CDN Delivery Bucket and Content Source.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the Content Sources page.


From GVP 6.2+ the association of encoding profiles moved to the Remote Folders page.

CDN Origin

It is possible to associate a CDN Origin to a Source, which is a storage location where the content will be replicated.

CDN Origin block

Add a new CDN Origin

  • Use the AddNew.png button and a new row will be added so you can add the new CDN Origin.
  • Fill the CDN Origin information. Required fields: name, origin entity and source.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the Content Sources page and the CDN Origin will be created and associated.

Add an existing CDN Origin

  • Click the AddExisting.png button and a dialog will open to select an existing CDN Origin.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the Content Sources page.

Delete CDN Origin

  • Use the DeleteRed3.png button to remove the relationship between CDN Origin and Content Source.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the Content Sources page.

Origins x PushRules

This block allows add origins x pushrules

Origins X Push Rules information

Add existing Origins X PushRules

  • Click the AddExisting.png button and a dialog will open to select and existing Origins X PushRules.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the Content Sources page and the Origins X PushRules will be associated.

Remove Editorial Content from VOD Channel

  • Use the DeleteRed3.png button to remove the association of a Origins X Push Rules from the Content Sources.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the Content Sources page.

Metadata Validation Rules

This block allows to add existing and remove Metadata Rules from a Source.

Metadata Validation Rules Block

Add existing Metadata Validation Rules

  • Click the AddExisting.png button and a dialog will open to select a existing Metadata Validation Rules.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the Sources page.

Delete Metadata Validation Rules Item

  • Use the DeleteRed3.png button to remove the relationship between Metadata Validation Rule and Content Source.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the Content Sources page.


Create Edit Edit in List Bulk Edit Copy Copy with Relateds Delete

New3.png Create

Content Sources creation is enabled.

  1. Use the New3.png button to create an empty Content Source.
  2. Fill all the Content Source data and the related blocks.
  3. Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png button in the Content Source page.

BulkEdit3.png Edit

Content Sources edit is enabled. It can be used to perform modification in the Content Sources data and related information. Once finished modifying the Content Source, save changes by using the Save3.png button in the Content Sources page.

Edit3.png Edit in List

Edit in list is disabled.

BulkEdit3.png Bulk Edit

Bulk Edit is enabled in the Content Sources page, allowing you to modify several Content Sources at the same time.

Copy3.png Copy

Copy is disabled.

CopyWithRelateds3.png Copy with Relateds

Copy with relateds is disabled.

Delete3.png Delete

You can delete a content source from the Content Sources Page, using the Delete3.png button. A confirmation popup will be shown before excluding it.