Teams Page Manual 5.0

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Teams basic properties

Field Description
OPTA ID Id of the team in OPTA services
Name Name of this team configured by the OB
Official Name Teams's official name registred by OPTA
Code Code of the team from API TM3
Sport Id of the sport this team plays.
Country Country of the team.
Source Controls the access and visibility of this channel for other operators. Only operators with rights over this source or its children will be able to see it.


This block shows informations about the venues of the team

Venues properties

Field Description
ID Id of the Venue
Official Name Venue's official name e.g. Estadio Alberto J. Armando
Name Venue's name e.g. La Bombonera


This block allows you to manage the images associated to the movie and the information associated, such as the Type and Quality.

Images block

Add new images

Upload image dialog
  • Use the AddNew.png button and a new row will be added so you can upload the new image.
  • Then click the UploadIcon.png button and a dialog will be open so you will be able to select the image to be uploaded.
  • Now fill the rest of the image information.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the edit page and the image will be created and associated.

Add existing images

  • Click the AddExisting.png button and a dialog will open to select and existing image.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page and the image will be associated.

Image preview

Remove images

  • Use the DeleteRed3.png button to remove the association of a image from the movie .
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page. This will not delete the image file from the platform. In order to delete the image, you will have to go to the Images Page.

Preview images
By clicking in the Preview.png button in each image, you can access to the image preview.

Metadata Matching Team Names

This block contains the different names that are given in each OB to a team (La Roja, España, Selección española, etc) that will be used in the matching precess.

Metadata matching teams names properties

Field Description
ID Id of the metadata matching teams names
Name Name of the team
Source Controls the access and visibility of this channel for other operators. Only operators with rights over this source or its children will be able to see it.

Metada User Interface Team Names

This block contains the different names that are given in each OB to a team (La Roja, España, Selección española, etc) that will be used in the user interface.

Metadata User Interface Team Names properties

Field Description
ID Id of the metadata matching user interface
Instance Instance
Name Name of the metadata
Source Controls the access and visibility of this channel for other operators. Only operators with rights over this source or its children will be able to see it.


Represents the relationship between a player and a team


Field Description
ID Player's ID
OPTA ID Player's id from OPTA
Number Player's shirt number
First Name Player's Frist Name
Last Name Player's Last Name
Start When started playing in that team
End When started Ended playing in that team


Create Edit Edit in List Bulk Edit Copy Copy with Relateds Edit History Delete

It's a read only page except for the following blocks are editable:
- Metada User Interface Team Names
- Images
- Metadata Matching Team Names

Active Tournaments

This block display the active tournaments in which a team is participating.

Active Tournaments properties

Field Description
ID Tournament ID
Name Tournament name
Competition Competition name
Date start Date that the tournament has started
Date end Date that the tournament has end