
From Gvp-public
Revision as of 09:20, 24 February 2016 by Pcl245 (talk | contribs)
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Control that a VOD content is played in only one device at a time.

The heartbeat method will be called every 'N' seconds. This parameter is configured for each OB on the table GVP_INSTANCES, column PLAYBACK_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL. If the heartbeat method return NOK the player should retry calling the methods 3 times (total of 3 times) before showing a message to the user that the maximum number of devices are connected and that he was kicked out.

The order to kicked out the device is configured by the instance on the MIB.


  • token (String, required)
A valid token for identifying the API session context. The token can be anonymous or logged.
  • movieId (int, optional)
Movie id
  • subscriptionId (int, optional)
The subscriptionId that wants request the data.
  • mediaId (int, optional)
Media Id.
  • playbackHeartBeat (int, optional)
Heartbeat interval used in client application
  • playbackTime (int, optional)
Current playback time to update resume info.


Returns a JSON object containing TRUE = Playback is allowed, FALSE = Playback is denied.



"StatusCode": 0,
"Severity": 1,
"StatusMessage": "OK",
"Content": true



  • None


This method is not cached.

Known issues

  • None

Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial method design Harley Cabral

See also