Content Criteria Page Manual 3.0

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Revision as of 11:44, 28 May 2019 by Idx0025 (talk | contribs)
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Infobox info icon white.svg.png

Access to this menu in Betools through: AdministrationIcon.png Administration > Content Criteria

In this page, it’s possible to create/configure different Content Criteria Blocks on MiB pages. The Content Criteria Blocks are used in some pages inside the main menu GVP to select a group of contents to be inside of a subscriptions or any other product that can contain a group of contents. The explanations about how to use them are inside their respective pages.


Content Criteria

Content Criteria information

Field Description Restrictions
Name Given name to the Content Criteria.
Media Type Select a Media Type to be used in some pages inside the main menu GVP.
Owner Operator/agent that created this Content Criteria. ReadOnly
Pre Processed When flagged it will execute the content criterias and insert the results in a table, so when you request this content it will be already processed increasing th performance.

Content Criteria Filter


Create Edit Edit in List Bulk Edit Copy Copy with Relateds Delete


Content Criteria creation is disabled.


Content Criteria edit is enabled. It can be used to perform modification in the Content Criteria data. Once finished modifying the Content Criteria, save changes by using the   button in the Content Criteria page.

  Edit in List

Edit in list is disabled for Content Criteria.

  Bulk Edit

Bulk Edit is enabled in the Content Criteria page, allowing you to modify several Content Criteria at the same time. However, not all the relateds blocks will be available for performing a bulk edit operation. The blocks available are:

  • Basic Content Criteria information


Copy is disabled for Content Criteria page.

  Copy with Relateds

Copy with Relateds is disabled for Content Criteria page.


Delete is disabled for Content Criteria page.