Sent Mail Page Manual 3.0

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Access to this menu in Betools through: UsersIcon.png Users > Sent Mail

This section allows the operator to review mails sent to specific users (for purchases confirmation, confirmation auto-registration, welcome messages, etc.).


Sent Mail

Information for an email sent by the platform

Field Description Restrictions
Name Email name -
To Email address the mail was sent to. -
Subject Email subject -
From Email address from the email is sent to -
Sent Flag that allows to know if the email has been already sent or is still pending to be sent. -
Owner Operator that created this mail. Read Only
CC CC email field -
Body Contains the body for the email. -
Retry count Number of retries that the email has been tried to be sent. Read only.


The user can only read the details of a Sent Mail, no other actions are available.