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=== Subscription Info ===
This block shows the different purchases made by the user over time, displaying the product type, name status and its price.The fields are described below:* '''Product Id''' - The product ID.* '''Product Type''' - The type information of product* '''Name''' - The product name.* '''Date Start''' - Date when the rights were given.* '''Date End''' - Date when the rights will be removed.* Status field - Same status as in User Rights* Payment Type - Same as in User Rights* Transaction - ID of the transaction, each transaction in GVP has a unique ID transaction.* Price - Price of subscriptions associated with the product boughtchannel.* Quality - The max quality that the product was purchased with.* PricingModel - ID of the pricing model used on this purchase.
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[[File:LiveChannelSubscriptionInfo_3LiveChannelSubscriptionInfo.png|thumb|center|800px|Subscription Event Collections Info block]] '''Edit a subscription'''* Use the [[File:EditSubscriptionButton.png|centermiddle|800px30px]]button and a new tab will open with the subscription page to be able to edit from 
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=== Images ===
Bureaucrats, editor


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