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1,834 bytes added ,  18:53, 1 September 2014
Created page with "{{Api_Method_Spec| Description=Confirm the registration by challenge code and e-mail. This method confirm the user registration using an email and a challenge code to complet..."
Description=Confirm the registration by challenge code and e-mail.

This method confirm the user registration using an email and a challenge code to complete the registration and allow the user to access the platform.

NOTE: There are two requirements to use this method:

- The user should be inactive or a different status of Active.

- The user status cannot be AwaitingEmailConfirmation.

Then, a verification of challenge code is made and change the currently status to Active.


|ParamDescription=A valid token for identifying the API session context. The token can be anonymous or logged.
|ParamDescription=The challenge code created to register the Trusted Device.
|ParamDescription=The user email already used in his registration.

Returns a JSON object containing true for success.


: <span style="color: #a11;">"StatusCode"</span>: <span style="color: #164;">0</span>,
: <span style="color: #a11;">"Severity"</span>: <span style="color: #164;">1</span>,
: <span style="color: #a11;">"StatusMessage"</span>: <span style="color: #164;">"OK"</span>,
: <span style="color: #a11;">"Content"</span>: <span style="color: #219;">"true"</span>

* None

This method is not cached.

* None

{{{!}} border="2" style="width:800px;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
{{!}}- style="background:#88ccff;font-size:110%"
! API Version Number
! Change description
! Changes author
{{!}}- valign="top"
! 1.0
{{!}} Initial method design
{{!}} Harley Cabral



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