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477 bytes added ,  09:53, 10 December 2014
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{{!}} int
{{!}} Date-time of last modification of the recording schedule
{{!}}- valign="top"
! ParentId
{{!}} string
{{!}} Id of the "parent recording" (or recording definition/schedule). The value is equal to the ID field in the case of a "parent" recording (meaning parent=itself)
{{!}}- valign="top"
{{!}} long int
{{!}} Recording end time (may not coincide with schedule ending time)
{{!}}- valign="top"
! RecordingHiearchy
{{!}} int
{{!}} Indicates whether the object is a "parent" recording (recording definition) (value 0) or a "child" recording (value 1)
{{!}}- valign="top"
: "StartTime": 1417359600,
: "EndTime": 1417374900,
: "ParentId": "62b5a82a-0bbc-4cc9-843d-6999db41c3b9",
: "RecordingHiearchy": 0,
: "RecordingState": 1,
: "RecordingStartTime": 0,


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