Components Page Manual 3.0

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Infobox info icon white.svg.png

Access to this menu in Betools through: AdministrationIcon.png Administration > Components

On this section it possible register all necessary components that will keep the maximum configuration keys on database to minimize the config files manipulation. For now only new components will be migrated to this model.



Sources in GVP define the different products that GVP will generate from an original content, considering video. These transformations are defined by Encoding Profiles. Multiple Encoding Profiles can be assigned to a single Source. Each directory created in the NAS storage has to be assigned to a Source.

Components basic properties

Field Description Restrictions
Code apiKey of the provider; In the case of Toolbox, apiKey will be provided by GVP. In case of Globosat, apiKey will be provided by Globosat.
Name Given name to the Parameter
  • Mandatory
Owner Operator that created this parameter
Is External Component Flag that indicates if it is an external component or not.
Description Short description about the Component.
  • Mandatory


Create Edit Edit in List Bulk Edit Copy Copy with Relateds Delete


Components creation is enabled.

  1. Use the   button to create an empty Component.
  2. Fill all the Component data.
  3. Once finished, save changes by using the   button in the Components page.


Components edit is enabled by default for most of the operator profiles. It can be used to perform modification in the Components data and related information. Once finished modifying the Component, save changes by using the   button in the Components page.

  Edit in List

Edit in list is disabled for Components.

  Bulk Edit

Bulk Edit is enabled in the Components page, allowing you to modify several Components at the same time.


Copy is enabled for Components. Using the   button, you will be able to clone the basic information from the Component into a Component. Once the Component is copied, review that all the fields have been copied properly and press   Save button.

  Copy with Relateds

Copy with Relateds is enabled for Components. Using the   button, you will be able to clone a Components and the relateds blocks into a new channel. In this case, works just like the simple copy. Once the Component is copied, review that all the fields have been copied properly and press   Save button.


You can delete a Component from the Components Page, using the   button. A confirmation popup will be shown before excluding it.