Metadata Validation Rules Page Manual 3.0

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Access to this menu in Betools through: VODIcon.png Video On Demand > Content Workflow > Metadata > Metadata Validations Rules

This page allows administrators to manage the validation rules


Metadata Validation Rules

Metadata Validation Rules Basic Information

Field Description Restrictions
Owner MiB User creator.
  • ReadOnly
Level Enum RULE_LEVEL (2- Warning / 1 - Error / 0 - Failure (reserved for errors)
  • Mandatory
Name Rule Name.
  • Mandatory
Query Text for the query to be evaluated
  • Mandatory
Display message Text for displaying in the warning / error
  • Mandatory


Create Edit Edit in List Bulk Edit Copy Copy with Relateds Delete


Metadata Validation Rules creation is enabled.


Metadata Validation Rules edit is enabled. It can be used to perform modification in the Metadata Validation Rules. Once finished modifying the Metadata Validation Rule, save changes by using the   button in the Metadata Validation Rules page.

  Edit in List

Edit in list is disabled.

  Bulk Edit

Bulk Edit is disabled.


Copy is disabled for Metadata Validation Rules page.

  Copy with Relateds

Copy with relateds is disabled for Metadata Validation Rules page.


You can delete a Metadata Validation Rules from the Metadta Validation Rules Page, using the   button. A confirmation popup will be shown before excluding it.