Netflix Bundle Plan Changes Manual 3.0

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Access to this menu in Betools through: CommercialIcon.png Commercial > Partners> Netflix Bundle Plan Changes

This page allows you to visualize the change plan events that have been made from Netflix.


Netflix Bundle Plan Changes

Budle Packages Information

Field Description Restrictions
Name Netflix Bundle Plan Name. Mandatory.
Instance Instance where the devices belongs to. Mandatory.
Unique ID Unique identifier, that uniquely identifies each change. Mandatory.
Effective Date Netflix Effective date. Mandatory.
Reader Insert DateCho Reader Insert date. Mandatory.
Netflix Offer ID Netflix Offer ID. Mandatory.
Plan Type Netflix Plan type. Mandatory.
Netflix Transaction ID Netflix transaction ID.
Partner Customer ID Mandatory.
Internal Status GVP Status.
Source Controls the access and visibility of this items for other operators.
Pending Send Pending send.
Decline Reason Decline reason.
Response Status Response status.
Sent Date Date when event was sent to Netflix.
Internal Transaction Id Field which will contain the NOI of the package rejoin.


The user can only read the details of a Netflix Bundle Plan Changes, no other actions are available.