Description= New method in UNIAPI to retrieve the Catalog Items based on the IDs for a specific [[CatalogItemType]].
Take into account the device availability
- * Movies: take into account movie availability, movie status and availability window.- * Subscriptions: take into account Start Date and End Date and Status- * Live Channels: Status (Active) and live channel device availability
|ParamRequired=optionalrequired|ParamDescription=The offset number Id type of the returned values for this requestcatalog desired
ParamName=limitcatalogItemIds|ParamType=int|ParamRequired=optional|ParamDescription=The limit number of values for this request}}{{Api_Parameter|ParamName=channelId|ParamType=intString
|ParamDescription=The channel id that want to return the editorial content registered inside then.Array of catalogItemIds desired
Returns a JSON object containing an array of [[EditorialContentCatalogItem]].
: "OffsetCatalogItemId": 0565,: "LimitCatalogItemType": 1001,: "CountTitle": 6"Juego asesino",: "Keywords": null,: "Cast": "James Spader,Keanu Reeves,Marisa Tomei,Joe Charbanic ",: "IsAdult": false,: "AgeRating": "NR 18",: "T9Title": "5834602737466",: "Genres": "Tenis",: "Images": [:: Array of [[Image]]: ],: "ImageUrl": null,: "ListResizableImages": [:: {::: Object of [ Array [Image]]:: }: ],: "ExtraMetadata": {: Object of [[EditorialContentExtraMetaData]] List : },: "StartDate": -2208992400,: "EndDate": 2524604400,: "ShortDescription": "El agente del FBI Joel Campbell ha sido uno de los mejores cazadores de asesinos en serie de Los Ángeles. Un año después de retirarse, en el edificio de apartamentos en el que vive, una mujer aparece asesinada.",: "ProductType": [[ProductType]],: "Quality": 2,: "StatusDate": 1262300400