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340 bytes added ,  06:56, 21 August 2015
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{{Deprecated|Message=This method has been deprecated in GVP 3.2. Please use [[GetLiveChannelsSchedules]], [[GetLiveChannelsReducedLiveSchedules]] or [[GetDetailedLiveChannelsSchedules]] instead}}
Description=Returns the list of live schedules (as array of [[EpgLiveSchedule]] objects) for the time frame and adult filter.
{{!}} Initial method design
{{!}} Harley Cabral
! 3.2
{{!}} Method deprecated
{{!}} Francisco Milagro
* [[EpgLiveProgram]] object type
* [[EpgLiveSchedule]] object type
* [[GetLiveChannelsReducedLiveSchedules]]
* [[GetDetailedLiveChannelsSchedules]]
* [[UNIAPI_Specification#Epg_Service| Epg Service]] methods

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