|ParamDescription=A comma-separated list of desired source types to get recommendations from. In this case the engine will try its best to provide recommendations for all the requested views (though it might be possible that some views return fewer items than the requested number).
:If this input param is not passed, a default value is used, according to the next criteria: If the instance is associated to a VoD catalog, VoD recommendations are requested (the catalogType is different than 8) and the channelId to use is the Root channel, the default value used is 4,3,1,2.
Otherwise, the default value used is 3,1,2.
:If the list of sources include the 4 value (editorial recommendation), this source is processed firstly.
|ParamType=List of int
|ParamDescription=A comma-separated list of desired catalog types [[catalogType]] to get recommendations from. Some combination of catalog types are not allowed::0=TVoD+SVoD User and 3=SVoD cannot be given at the same time.:1=SVoD User and 3=SVoD cannot be given at the same time.
|ParamType=List of int
|ParamDescription= A comma-separated list of desired filter types [[filterType]] to apply to VoD and LinearTV recommendations. This is a new parameter added in OpenGVP 3.2. Default is 0.
|ParamType=List of int
|ParamDescription= A comma-separated list of desired time filter types [[timeFilterType]] to apply to LinearTV recommendations.
This parameter is ignored unless the catalogType parameter does include the value 8=LinearTV (anyway, although it is ignored, it must contain a correct value).
Take into account that when this type of filtering is requested, the recommendations will be ordered by relevance as usually, they will not ordered by time.