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This block allows you to manage the .srt subtitles associated to the movie.
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[[File:SubtitlesBlock.jpg|thumb|center|Subtitles block|900px]]<br />
'''Add new subtitle'''
* Then click the [[File:UploadIcon.png|middle|30px]] button and a dialog will be open so you will be able to select the subtitle to be uploaded. '''Important:'''Only .srt format is allowed.
* Now select the subtitle language and a name for the subtitle.
*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the movie page and the subtitle will be associated. <br />
'''Add existing subtitle'''
* Click the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|70px]] button and a dialog will open to select and existing subtitle.
*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the movie page and the subtitle will be associated. <br />
'''Remove subtitle from movie'''
* Use the [[File:DeleteRed3.png|middle|30px]] button to remove the association of a subtitle from the movie .
Bureaucrats, editor


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