=== Persons Roles ===
This block shows allows configuring the information of persons (actors, director and etc) and their roles that are involved in the subscriptions associated with the channel.live serie:
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[[File:LiveChannelSubscriptionInfoPersonsRolesBlock.pngjpg|thumb|center|800px|Subscription Info Person roles block]] '''Edit a subscription'''* Use the [[File:EditSubscriptionButton.png|middle|30px800px]] button and a new tab will open with the subscription page to be able to edit from https://wikis.tid.es/gvp-dev/index.php/Subscription_Page_Manual_3.0#Edit.
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'''Associate new Person role'''
* Use the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|80px]] button and a multiple Person Role selection dialog will open, allowing you to search and select persons roles to be added.
* Select the ones to be added and press the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] button. The Person Roles will be added to the live serie.
* To save changes, press the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the live serie page.
Note: From this menu, it is not possible to create new Person Roles. Please use the [[Persons_Page_Manual_3.0|Persons page]] to create Persons and the [[Person_Roles_Page_Manual_3.0|Person Roles page]] to associate a role to them.
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'''Delete Person roles from the movie'''
* Use the [[File:DeleteRed3.png|middle|30px]] button to remove all the person roles desired.
* Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the live serie page.
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