{{Menu|Message= [[File:IconHistoryDashboard.jpg|middle|25px]] '''History Dashboard > Page History Dashboard'''}}
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This page allows you to consult all the changes made, on the same page, by different users. s Is divided into two sections: filters and results<br/>'''Filters'''<br />[[File:FiltersDialogDashboard.jpg|left|800px|thumb|Filters Menu]]
By clicking in the [[File:Preview.png|30px]] button in each Media, you can access to the Media Preview player, that allows you to watch the media inside the platform to try to catch errors or bad encodings. [[File:MediaPreview3.png|thumb|Media Preview player|center|800px]]<br/>FiltersTo play a Media File:# Select the Origin where you want to perform playback from# Optionally, you can enable Economic view mode. This mode allows you to perform a quick playback test that will jump automatically to 3 different parts of the video file.# Press the PLAY button.Double clicking on the center of the video enables the full screen, and single click pause the video.<br />