Tv Technologies Page Manual 3.0

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Infobox info icon white.svg.png

Access to this menu in Betools through: LiveTVIcon.png Live > Channel Maps > Regions

After create a region, it should be created a TV Technology which is responsible to define if the TV technology used it will be air, cable or fiber and then be associated with a Channel Map later.


TV Technologies

TV Technologies information

Field Description Restrictions
Name Given name to TV Technology.
  • Mandatory.
Source Controls the access and visibility of this tv technology for other operators. Only operators with rights over this source or its children will be able to see it.
  • Mandatory
Owner Mib User creator of this tv technology. ReadOnly
Title Title to the TV Technology.
Tv Transport Id Can be: Air, Cable or Fiber.
  • Mandatory.

TV Technologies Default Instances

TV Technologies Block

It is possible to add a new or existing TV Technology Default per Instance and associate it with the TV Technology created. It just click on the 'Add new/existing TV Technologies Default per Instance' option in the dropdown menu.

Add a new TV Technologies Default Instances

  • If you want to create new TV Technologies Default Instances , can use the   button and a new row will be added. Then we fill the TV Technologies Default Instances data. The name and instance fields are required.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the   in the TV Technologies page.

Remove Editorial Content Image Device

  • Use the   button to remove the relationship will be: TV Technologies Default Instances - TV Technologies.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the   in the TV Technologies page.


Create Edit Edit in List Bulk Edit Copy Copy with Relateds Delete


Tv Technologies creation is enabled.

  1. Use the   button to create an empty Tv Technology.
  2. Fill all the Tv Technology data.
  3. Once finished, save changes by using the   button in Tv Technologies page.


Tv Technologies edit is enabled. It can be used to perform modification in the Tv Technology data. Once finished modifying the Tv Technology, save changes by using the   button in Tv Technologies page.

  Edit in List

Edit in list is disabled for Tv Technologies list.

  Bulk Edit

Bulk Edit is enabled in the Tv Technologies page, allowing you to modify several Tv Technologies at the same time.


Copy is disabled for Tv Technologies.

  Copy with Relateds

Copy with relateds is disabled for Tv Technologies.


You can delete a Tv Technology from the Tv Technologies Page, using the   button. A confirmation popup will be shown before excluding it.