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Triggers the process of registering a credit card in external system SIA. To use this method, user must be logged.
When UNIAPI receives this request:

  1. Creates new transaction in GVP_SIA_MICROPAYMENTS (status 0: Pending).
  2. Returns SIA data, micropayment data and signature.
    1.  If user has an active token in GVP_USERS_SIA_CARDS: returns SiaRegisterParams with oldtoken and generates signature for modToken SIA request.
    2.  Else, returns SiaRegisterParams without oldtoken and generates signature for authorise SIA request.


  • token (String, required)
A valid token for identifying the API session context and logged user.
  • clientUrlOk (String, required)
It will be used to generate the real URLOK in this way: URLOK = Instance parameter SIA_URL_OK + clientUrlOk + clientUrlKo
  • clientUrlKo (String, required)
It will be used to generate the real URLKO in this way: URLOK = Instance parameter SIA_URL_KO + clientUrlKo

Returns a JSON object containing an SiaRegisterParams object which represents the list of parameters that must be sent to SIA to call registration card form.

Example for authorise method (it doesn't require the modtoken params).


 "formUrl": "",
 "params": {
   "IDVERSION": "0001",
   "IDCOMERCIO": "055720353",
   "IDUSUARIO": "12313",
   "IDTM": "1200",
   "OPCTTOKEN": "01",
   "IDPEDIDO": "MIC1231313",
   "IMPTRANS": "50",
   "CODMON": "978",
   "TIMETRANS": "2016-01-13T01:55:11.515 Etc/UTC",
   "IPORIGEN": "",
   "FIRMTOKEN": "MkdqtXsJHXZ1ZbWM2N8xVwNGvHMTAcuvFEOTYxtjCkL9i9wSkMeoj5tP2TsRNvVi7GMSTZFifIYGRtkgDAXFiQfypIPVL5ExjBD71Dbm6qRKCJaT3wg+ZG3M3x85k0kcg0o8w/4MreKGXC2QJZSs3WpScftMC3wJFEDlnGPXBmS55HWaMlYDE8iF75wFsdDGrZpju2TlsmCCospM4sB2izv2iSYTU6atqjOnW0X1FAwc7lBfzR1BJY4Uiqt20P+5E6vYv04H+BIUcW8OvT1pnYbp1dCo+wRajO4gk9ZuDGfnb8Yhv231EzH9P7aar2V+UUrripFw93jlXTyR9ll+AA==",
   "DESTOKEN": "Default",
   "URLOK": "",
   "URLKO": "",
   "sNombreEvento": "1200",
   "sIdWindow": "Interface"



This method is not cached.



API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial method design
1.1 New input parameters and new SiaRegisterParams object definition


The signature generation for any operation must be performed in two steps:

  1. To create a char string containing only the values of the fields to be sent in the request for the operation and with the same order. Only fields values must be taken in account, without any separator and without field names. The data to be concatenated must be encoded as a UTF-8 string. Keep in mind that it should have the same character encoding as input to the algorithm for calculating the signature and to validate it.
  2. Once the string is created the firm is generated calling the corresponding C# method using the keystore that contains the public key.

For authorise operation: Previous table shows the list of fields to be used to create a string in the generation of the TokenSignature to register the first credit card and AUTHORISE a micropayment in SIA, taking only the rows which has a N in Only for modtoken column and Y in used for RSA calculation. Check that for example, URLOK and URLKO are not used for the signature.

Take into account that table rows ordering must be kept.

Example of a string to be signed: 0001TVID05572035312313120001MIC1231313509782015-12-09T14:19:28.373 Etc/UTC195.235.092.025Default

For modToken operation: As in previous situation, in order to calculate the signature, the table must be taken into account, considering all the rows which has an Y for used for RSA calculation column (so taking all the N/Y rows in Only for modtoken column). Table rows ordering must be kept to concatenate the values and then proceed with the RSA algorithm.