
From Gvp-public
Revision as of 15:36, 19 June 2017 by Id02039 (talk | contribs)
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Object that represent the User data information.


Field Data Type Description
BirthDate long
CustomFields Array of UserCustomField
DefaultAudioId int
DefaultSubtitleId int
Email String
EWallet double
FirstAccess bool
FirstName String
Gender Gender
ID int
InstanceId int
LastName String
MinimumAgeRating int
MobileNumber String
PinStatus Array of UserPinStatus
PlatformId int
ServiceType ServiceIdType
SocialNetworksStatus Array of UserSocialNetworkStatus
Status UserStatus
TimeStamp long
Type UserType
UniqueId String
VideoServiceInfo UserVideoServiceInfo
CreditCardStatus New in 4.0!
This field has meaning for NOTEF users in instances with SIA payment method. It indicates if user has completed registration with a valid credit card. It is stored at GVP_USERS.CREDIT_CARD_STATUS. Possible values are:

0: n/a. Meaning that this field does not apply to this user. Possible reasons: instance parameter SIA_ENABLED = false (this instance is not connected to SIA payment gateway), TEF user, ...
1: Pending. It will be "1: pending", after a NO TEF user self-registers to an instance with SIA_ENABLED = true.It means that this user needs to register a valid credit card in SIA system and he has not done it yet. In that case, after a loginUser or an attempt to createPurchase, PC client will always redirect user to registration credit card page.
2: Active. Meaning that this user has registered a valid credit card in SIA.
By default, it will be "0: n/a" for every GVP user.

CreditCardStatus New in 4.0!
This field has meaning for NOTEF users in instances with SIA payment method. It indicates if user has completed registration with a valid credit card. It is stored at GVP_USERS.CREDIT_CARD_STATUS. Possible values are:

0: n/a. Meaning that this field does not apply to this user. Possible reasons: instance parameter SIA_ENABLED = false (this instance is not connected to SIA payment gateway), TEF user, ...
1: Pending. It will be "1: pending", after a NO TEF user self-registers to an instance with SIA_ENABLED = true.It means that this user needs to register a valid credit card in SIA system and he has not done it yet. In that case, after a loginUser or an attempt to createPurchase, PC client will always redirect user to registration credit card page.
2: Active. Meaning that this user has registered a valid credit card in SIA.
By default, it will be "0: n/a" for every GVP user.

IanaTimezone string New in 4.2!
UserGroups Array of Int32 New in 4.3!
Messaging group ids (comma separated) the user belongs to.



"ID": 29395,
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"Email": "",
"PinStatus": [
UserPinStatus Object
"SocialNetworkStatus": [
UserSocialNetworkStatus Object
"CustomFields": [
UserCustomField object
"Status": 1,
"EWallet": 0,
"Type": UserType object,
"MinimumAgeRating": 18,
"Gender": Gender object,
"MobileNumber": "",
"BirthDate": 0,
"TimeStamp": 1609459620,
"DefaultSubtitleId": 0,
"DefaultAudioId": 14,
"PlatformId": 12,
"UniqueId": "vivoplay06",
"InstanceId": 25,
"ServiceType": ServiceIdType object,
"VideoServiceInfo": {
UserVideoServiceInfo Object
"FirstAccess": false,
"DefaultCreditLimit": -1,
"CurrentCreditLimit": 600,
"CreditCardStatus": 0


Known issues


Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial data type implementation Harley Cabral
4.0 Added new field to the User object
  • CreditCardStatus
Cristina Peña
4.3 Added new fields to the User object
  • IanaTimezone
  • UserGroups
Cristina Peña

See also