Content Purge List Page Manual 3.0

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Access to this menu in Betools through: VODIcon.png Video On Demand > Content Workflow > Content Purge List

Content Purge process involves the mechanisms whereby asset copies stored all along the Content Workflow components’ storage are physically deleted, hence including Aspera catcher, SAN/NAS, MiB origin server and/or CDN.


Pending Content Purge List

There are two different moments in which a Purge process can be triggered:

  • The content has expired in the platform. The license window (which is a contract with the content owner) has been expired and the content is no longer valid for End-users. The commercial management states that the content needs to be purged in the platform.
  • The content has been corrupted in the workflow or has been incorrectly encoded or encrypted in the system and needs to be deleted.

Both methods are very similar, and there are no significant divergences in the process deleting the content. The only difference is when the trigger is targeted. The Purge process consists of the sequence of unpublishing and deleting the content into the CDN and storage in GVP, as well as deleting all references and pointers in all related databases.

MiB has a management interface which monitor all content ingested into CDN, with the bucket ID and the reference between MiB and CDN. When an operator wants to delete one content, it will select the correspondent content and the system will launch the purge operation in the platform.

Pending Content Purge List

Approval of Content Purge List movies:

Contents enter in the Content Purge list because:

  • Automatic Purge: the License has ended (and there are no remaining User Rights) and the Retention Period has expired. It is important to notice that since the content will only be displayed in this list if the license period has expired, there are no remaining User Rights and the Retention Period (defined at Source level) has expired.
  • Manual Purge: manually an operator has forced the purge process.
  1. In this menu is listed all the contents that are pending for purge approval, the operator can review each content, the Retention Period End Date (the date when the retention period finished) and can approve the content Purge clicking in the 'Approve' button ApprovePurgeButton.png. A confirmation popup will be shown before purging it.
  2. It also provides a way to perform multiple selection. In order to select multiple contents to be approved, use the left selector SelectPurgeButton.png and select the contents you want to be approved. Once selected, click on the 'Approve' button from Pending Content Purge page on the top bar ApprovePurgeButton.png. This will force the approval of each contents. A confirmation popup will be shown before purging it.

Creating a Content Purge List:

  • It just click on the 'Manual Purge' button from Pending content purge page on the top bar ManualPurgeButton.png , to create a new Content Purge List and a dialog will open to select and existing Movie.
  • We select an existing Movie and this movie will be automatically added to the Pending content purge list page.

Revert of Content Purge List movies:

  • The operator can revert the content Purge clicking in the 'Revert' button RevertPurgeButton.png. This button is available, when the contents have been inserted through a manual purge.

Automatic Purge Approval
Since GVP 2.4, it is possible to have automatic approval of movies. This functionality is configured at Source level (to enable this functionality, check Content Sources manual). If enabled for the movie source, the movie will remain in the Content Purge list pending for approval until the Automatic Purge Period expires. Once this period expires, the movie will be approved for Content Purge and the process will be executed.