Massive PayPerView Purchases Page Manual 3.0

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Infobox info icon white.svg.png

Access to this menu in Betools through: CommercialIcon.png Commercial > Purchases > Massive PayPerView Purchases

The Massive Pay Per View is a set of Pay-Per-Views purchase data obtained from Mediaroom platform. After expiration date ends, they are sent to OB OSS/BSS through GAL in batches. There is an agent, Billing Integration, which performs this transaction. It gets all Pay-Per-Views purchase data that were not yet sent and that has expired date end, creates a transaction ID linking those records and try to send this lot to GAL.


Purchase Massive Transactions

Event Collections basic properties

Field Description Restrictions
Instance Instance of the current Massive PPV. ReadOnly.
Name Name for this Massive PPV. ReadOnly.
Platform Platform used. ReadOnly
Status If the Massive PPV was sent, got an error and is pending to be send. ReadOnly.
Attempts The Billing Agent will try to send the lot of PPV 5 times. Mandatory field.
  • Mandatory.
Last Update Last update on the current massive PPV. ReadOnly.
Error Message In case of error, this field in have an error message. In order to manage errors on billing Agent. ReadOnly.

Massive PayPerView Purchases

This block allows create manual schedules, it is just choose the channel you want (Call Letter), give a name to the Program and set the Start and End time that programs begins and ends.

Massive PPV Purchases Block

Adding existing Schedule

  • Click the AddExisting.png button and a dialog will open to select and existing purchases pay per view.
  • Click the SaveButtonDialog.png button of a dialog window.
  • Once added, save changes by using the Save3.png in the Massive PayPerView Purchases Page and the purchases ppv will be associated.

Remove Schedule

  • Use the DeleteRed3.png button to remove a massive ppv prurchase .
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the Massive PayPerView Purchases Page.


Create Edit Edit in List Bulk Edit Copy Copy with Relateds Delete

New3.png Create

Massive PayPerView Purchases creation is enabled.

  1. Use the New3.png button to create an empty Massive PPV Purchase.
  2. Fill all Massive PPV Purchase data.
  3. Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png button in the Massive PayPerView Purchases page.

BulkEdit3.png Edit

Massive PayPerView Purchases edit is enabled. It can be used to perform modification in the Massive PPV Purchase data and related information. Once finished modifying the Massive PPV Purchase, save changes by using the Save3.png button in the Massive PayPerView Purchases Page.

Edit3.png Edit in List

Edit in list is disabled for Massive PayPerView Purchases.

BulkEdit3.png Bulk Edit

Bulk Edit is enabled in the Massive PayPerView Purchases page, allowing you to modify several Massive PayPerView Purchases at the same time.

Copy3.png Copy

Copy is disabled for Massive PayPerView Purchases.

CopyWithRelateds3.png Copy with Relateds

Copy with relateds is disabled for Massive PayPerView Purchases.

Delete3.png Delete

Massive PayPerView Purchases can be deleted by the operator using the Delete3.png button. A confirmation popup will be shown before excluding it..