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Cancel product purchase by product Id

Should be used by logged user.


  • token (String, required)
A valid token for identifying the API session context. The token can be anonymous or logged.
  • productId (int, required)
A product id for the product that wants to cancel.
  • productTypeId (productType, required)
Type id of the product that wants to cancel the purchase.
  • pin (String, required)
PurchasePin to authenticate the purchase.


Returns a JSON object containing a user product information.



"StatusCode": 0,
"Severity": 1,
"StatusMessage": "OK",
"Content": ""



  "StatusCode": 0,
  "Severity": 1,
  "StatusMessage": "OK",
  "Content":    {
     "ID": 1107,
     "Type": 4,
     "Favorite": false,
     "Stars": 0,
     "CanWatch":       {
        "SourceProductType": 4,
        "SourceProductId": 1107,
        "ProductTypeId": 4,
        "ProductId": 1107,
        "MovieAccessReason": 2,
        "RentalHoursLeft": 95,
        "ExpirationDate": 1516551179,
        "PricingModel":          {
           "ID": 676,
           "Title": "Recurrent 4 days",
           "Chargingclass": "",
           "UserType": 1,
           "Price": 10,
           "RecurrenceType": 9,
           "DevicesType": [],
           "Isrecurring": true,
           "GrantAllDevices": true,
           "Quality": 2,
           "RecurrenceDays": 0
        "HaveMandatorySubscription": true,
        "MandatorySubscriptionId": 0,
        "MandatorySubscriptionMessage": "",
        "PurchaseStatus": 7,
        "StartDate": 0
     "CanAcquire": true,
     "HaveVoDAccess": true,
     "AvailableForThisDevice": true,
     "AvailableForThisDeviceInHD": true,
     "AvailableForThisDeviceInSD": true,
     "BestMediaToPlay": 0



This method is not cached.

Known issues

  • None

Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial method design Harley Cabral

See also