Netflix Billing Manual 3.0

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Access to this menu in Betools through: CommercialIcon.png Commercial > Purchases > Netflix Billing

This section shows all purchases sent to SIA and its status. Recurrent products (subscriptions) have an additional block with renewals notified by SIA. It is not possible to create, remove or edit items.



Netflix Billing

Netflix Billing information

Field Description Restrictions
Source Controls the visibility of this Netflix Billing. ReadOnly
Name The name for the netflix billing. ReadOnly
Instance Instance associated with the netflix billing. ReadOnly
Unique ID Netflix Unique ID. ReadOnly
Pai Netflix User Id (PartnerCustomerID). ReadOnly
Price Price ReadOnly
Currency ReadOnly
Paid Date ReadOnly
Nfx ID Netflix ID ReadOnly
Gvp ID Gvp ID ReadOnly
Reader Date ReadOnly
Last Sent ReadOnly
Gvp Status ReadOnly
Nfx Status ReadOnly
Declined Reason ReadOnly
Response Status ReadOnly
Pending ReadOnly
Last Status ReadOnly