Bundle Users Manual 3.0

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Access to this menu in Betools through: CommercialIcon.png Commercial > Partners> Bundle Users

This page allows you to manage amazon subscriptions of gvp users. When the subscription is active, the gvp user can begin to enjoy the amazon contents.


Bundle Subscriptions

Budle Subscriptions Information

Field Description Restrictions
Instance Id Instance identifier number. ReadOnly
Name Bundle Subscription Name. ReadOnly
User Name user associated with the subscription. ReadOnly
Status Status of the user's subscription. ReadOnly
Date Last Update Timestamp at which the user status was updated the last time. ReadOnly
Num Commercial Attempts Number of times a commercial action is offered to an eligible. ReadOnly
Owner Name of creator. ReadOnly
Redirect URL Amazon Hard Bundle generic redirect URL. ReadOnly
Subscription Code Subscription code. ReadOnly
Bundle Package ID Identifier of bundle package associated. ReadOnly

Users Events

This block shows the events users (requests) in relation to the amazon subscriptions.

Users Events Block