
From Gvp-public
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Represents a Schedule object, associated with the managing of recordings in the Network PVR service.


Field Data Type Description
ChannelId int Channel ID (internal GVP ID)
ChannelNumber int Channel Number in user's channel map
ChannelReferenceId int Channel ID (as appearing in EPG)
ChannelName String Channel Name
Conflicted Boolean Whether the recording schedule has been detected as "conflicted" by the nPVR remote backend
EndTime long int Schedule ending time
ID string RecordingSchedule unique ID
LastModified int Date-time of last modification of the recording schedule
ParentId string Id of the "parent recording" (or recording definition/schedule). The value is equal to the ID field in the case of a "parent" recording (meaning parent=itself)
ProgramId int ID of program associated to schedule (internal GVP ID)
ProgramName String Program Name
ProgramReferenceId int Program ID as appearing in EPG
RecordingDuration long int Duration of the recording
RecordingEndTime long int Recording end time (may not coincide with schedule ending time)
RecordingHierarchy RecordingHierarchyType enum Indicates whether the object is a "parent" recording (recording definition) (value 0) or a "child" recording (value 1)
RecordingStartTime long int Recording start time (may not coincide with schedule starting time)
RecordingState RecordingScheduleState enum Status of recording
ScheduleId int Schedule unique ID
SeriesId int Series ID (in case of schedule part of a series)
StartTime long int Schedule starting time
Type RecordingScheduleType enum Recording type (entire series or individual episodes)
SeasonNumber int NEW in 7.1 Season Number as it appears in the EPG File
DeleteTime UnixTimestamp NEW in 7.1 Time when the recording will be erased (if it is != 0)
ChannelLogoUrl String NEW in 7.1 ImageUrl of the associated Live Channel Logo (Must be requested through spotlight)
Description String NEW in 7.1 Description of the Program
AgeRating String NEW in 7.1 Age Rating of the Program
isProtected Boolean NEW in 7.1 Indicates if the Recording is protected for deletion
ImageUrl String NEW in 7.1 ImageUrl of the Recording (Must be requested through spotlight)
Genres String NEW in 7.1 Genres of the recordings, as they comes in the EPG
UXReference String NEW in 7.1 UXReference of the recommendation that returned the schedule to be recorded
TrackId String NEW in 7.1 TrackId returned by CW of the schedule recorded
Directors String NEW in 7.1 Comma separated list of directors
Actors String NEW in 7.1 Comma Separated list of actors



"Id" : "525cf038-4890-49e2-8a9c-fc1e89296a00",
"ParentId" : "db80e616-80e0-48ee-818e-a7e96096672d",
"ScheduleId" : 4089207,
"ProgramId" : 4419758,
"ProgramName" : "Technical Difficulties (Image Sample)",
"ProgramReferenceId" : "99343001",
"ChannelId" : 5044,
"ChannelName" : "KTDS",
"ChannelNumber" : 1459,
"ChannelReferenceId" : "99343001",
"SeriesId" : 0,
"StartTime" : 1418169600,
"EndTime" : 1418171400,
"RecordingHierarchy" : 1,
"RecordingState" : 0,
"RecordingStartTime" : 1418162400,
"RecordingEndTime" : 1418164200,
"RecordingDuration" : 1800,
"Type" : 1,
"LastModified" : 0,
"Conflicted" : false,
"SeasonNumber" : 0,
"DeleteTime" : 0,
"ChannelLogoUrl" : "",
"Description" : "Program Description",
"AgeRating" : "18+",
"IsProtected" : false,
"Thumbnail" : "",
"Genre" : "",
"UXRef" : "",
"TrackId" : "",
"Directors" : "Jhon Doe",
"Actors" : "Jane Doe, Joselito"


Known issues


Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
7.1 Initial data type implementation. OpenPlatform José Manuel Escartín

See also