
From Gvp-public
Revision as of 14:27, 2 July 2019 by Rmc352 (talk | contribs)
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Enumeration that represents the different states for a Recording Schedule (basic object of the UNIAPI_Specification#Network_Pvr_Service service.


Value Name Details
0 Undefined Returns all user recordings regardless of its status.Only valid in OP
1 Scheduled The recording is scheduled on the external platform.
2 Running The recording is being made right now. Recording Schedules returned by GetAllRecordingSchedules method can have this state if they are being recorded by the platform during the execution of the method.
3 Finished The recording is completed.
4 Cancelled The recording was cancelled.
5 Notified "New in 7.1" The recording was notified to be scheduled from a Go Device to the STB (only for rPVR service)

Known issues


Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
2.4 Initial implementation
7.1 Add status modified for OpenPlatform RPVR José Manuel Escartín

See also