
From Gvp-public
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The AddEvent is a method to send a request with personalized information to be used by the BI team. This information is responsible to track any actions in the client app that use GVP. The data record on the GVP is completely personalized. The information is recorded in a Mongo Data Base, it has a scalable resources to storage all information.

The Object sent to the Event service has three parameters: Token, MediaInfo and EventData.

- The Token can be use logged or anonymous user.

- The mediaInfo parameter is a cryptograph info that can be got in any methods that return the media url. ( see PlaybackService -> getMediaUrl ). By default the value is a empty string.

"MediaInfo": "eyJNb3ZpZUlkIjozNTkzNiwiTWVkaWFJZCI6 … XlsaXN0SWQiOjAsIk1lZGlhVHlwZSI6MSwiRHVyYXRpb24iOjU4MjB9",
This encrypted string has: MovieID, MediaID, AccessReason, SubscriptionID, PlaylistID, MediaType, Duration.

- The eventData is the object that has all information storage about the action. Also, is storage the time that the event was generated, the name of the event would be grouped and all the other data about the event, like the pressed button, time recurred, position of navigation, and others. All values sent in the Data should be sent in key:value format separated by comma and each pair will create a new column in the table of Mongo data base.


  • token (String, required)
A valid token for identifying the API session context. The token can be anonymous or logged.
The eventData parameter is an AnalyticsEvenItem object type and represent a set of data to register the event in the Mongo data base.
"Timestamp" : "4315435114",
"Event" : "Play",
"Data" :
{"Param": "Value", "Param2": "Value2" }
  • mediaInfo (String, optional)
This parameter can be found in the GetMediaURL and has all information about the Movie. Is passed, it will be used to assign the eventData with the movie.
"MediaInfo": "eyJNb3ZpZUlkIjozNTkzNiwiTWVkaWFJZCI6 … XlsaXN0SWQiOjAsIk1lZGlhVHlwZSI6MSwiRHVyYXRpb24iOjU4MjB9"


Returns a JSON object containing the information if the event is registered on server.



"StatusCode": 0,
"Severity": 1,
"StatusMessage": "OK",
"Content": true





This method is not cached.

Known issues


Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial method design Harley Cabral
2.4 Rafael Landim

See also