Catalog Exporter V2 Manual 5.0

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Infobox info icon white.svg.png

Access to this menu in Betools through: InstancesIcon.png Instances > Settings > Catalog Exporter V2


In this page you can review the details of exporter status for each of the instances you have access to and force catalog generation

Catalog Exporter V2 page

Expanding one of the instances, It displays the Catalogs in process of Exportation, waiting to be exported (on queue), and already exported catalogs of the selected instance. This opened section is composed by columns.

Intance 25 Section

These columns represent:

  • ID: Composed by the Instance ID and Catalog generated ID.
  • NAME: Name of the Catalog.
  • LANGUAGE: Language used.
  • STATUS: Current Status of the Exportation.
  • Current Version: The current version.
  • ENQUEUED AT: The moment the exportation entered the queued.
  • START AT: The moment the exportation started to be processed.
  • LAST UPDATED: When this exportation was last updated.
  • PRESTIGES: Number of prestiges catalog were sucessful installed.
  • ERROR: Number of Errors during the process.
  • ACTIONS: The possible action on catalog (I.E: Seeing the details).


The CatalogV2DetailsButton.png button displays sections of the components involved in exportation and each step and status of these components.

  • CatalogV2DetailsOpen.png

The CatalogV2InformationButton.png button displays an more precise information about the step, in case of an error it's displayed too.

The CatalogV2ViewCatalogsButton.png button displays an more precise information about the step, in case of an error it's displayed too.

Use the RefreshNew 3.png button so the status about the catalog exporter process from an specific instance is refreshed.

Use the ExportNow3.png button to force the Catalog Exporter generation for an instance.