Delivery Buckets Page Manual 3.0
The delivery bucket is a logical group of contents that share the same properties for delivery (Geoblocking, Bandwidth reservation, etc) and depend on the transport technology (HLS, HSS, Widevine). It will have one bucket per packaging technology (HLS, HSS, Widevine) associated with each Instance.
Delivery Buckets
CDN Delivery Bucket will be associated with one or more Instances. In order to work properly, at least one bucket of each CDN Bucket Type must be associated to an Instance. If no bucket is associated to an Instance, it will provide a fallback mechanism where one bucket will be selected from the bucket list if no bucket is associated with an Instance.
Field | Description | Restrictions |
Name | Given name for the bucket. |
Source | The source for this CDN Bucket. |
Owner | Name of the CDN Bucket creator. | ReadOnly |
CDN FQDN | The FQDN to be used to build the CDN playback URL. |
CDN Bucket Type | The CDN Bucket Type (Smooth Streaming, HLS, Widevine) or play type. |
CDN Delivery Bucket Id | The identifier for the bucket in CDN (used for playback URL building). |
Protocol Type | It will map to a new Enum PROTOCOL_TYPE with three possible values: 1 = None, 2 = HTTP, 3 = HTPPS. |
Create | Edit | Edit in List | Bulk Edit | Copy | Copy with Relateds | Delete |
Delivery Buckets creation is enabled.
- Use the
button to create an empty Delivery Bucket.
- Fill all the Delivery Bucket data.
- Once finished, save changes by using the
button in the Delivery Buckets page.
Delivery Buckets edit is enabled. It can be used to perform modification in the Delivery Bucket data. Once finished modifying the Delivery Bucket, save changes by using the button in the Delivery Buckets page.
Edit in List
Edit in list is disabled.
Bulk Edit
Bulk Edit is enabled in the Delivery Buckets page, allowing you to modify several Delivery Buckets at the same time.
Copy is enabled for Delivery Buckets. Using the button, you will be able to clone the basic information from the CDN bucket into a new cdn bucket.
Once the cdn Bucket is copied, review that all the fields have been copied properly and press
Save button.
Copy with Relateds
Copy with relateds is enabled for Delivery Buckets. but in this case it works just like the simple copy.
Once the storage is copied, review that all the fields have been copied properly and press Save button.
You can delete a CDN Bucket from the Delivery Buckets Page, using the button. A confirmation popup will be shown before excluding it.