GVP 24.12 Documentation Changelog

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GVP 24.12 SP0 (1.10-14.10)

GVPPLATF-124596: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices
GVPPLATF-124557: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices
GVPPLATF-124363: [gvp.api]Modify CDN User Token in GetMediaUrlsStb, GetMediaUrlStb and GetLiveChannelRestartTVUrl method
GVPPLATF-124326: [blender]Modify CDN User Token in GetMediaUrlsStb and GetMediaUrlStb methods
GVPPLATF-124316: [gvp.api] Modify all uniapi methods that returns token to add GeoblockWhiteList to the token
GVPPLATF-124043: [React] [MEDIAIBOX-10088/MEDIAIBOX-10090] Html Page Migration

GVP 24.12 SP1 (15.10-4.11)

GVPPLATF-126286: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Swrve and User Centrics
GVPPLATF-126226: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices
GVPPLATF-126038: New parameter for metadata country validation ALLOW_COUNTRY_INVALID_MAPPING
GVPPLATF-125997: [gvp.mibserver] MIB React New block for countries metadatas in COUNTRIES menu
GVPPLATF-125930: New parameter for metadata country validation OUTPUT
GVPPLATF-125820: [gvp.mibserver] New block for countries metadatas in COUNTRIES menu
GVPPLATF-125734: [gvp.db] - New Athena parameters for channelMap sharing
GVPPLATF-125722: [gvp.mibserver3] [Regions] New field Channel Map to support shared channel maps
GVPPLATF-125703: New parameter for metadata country validation INPUT
GVPPLATF-125663: [gvp.db] New Parameters for RAP - SpainRecomms
GVPPLATF-125546: [gvp.db] - New Parameters for Nube FanContent consumer
GVPPLATF-125535: [gvp.mibserver3] New field in LiveChannels Page for TCS catalog ingest
GVPPLATF-125524: [gvp.db] New field in GVP_LIVE_CHANNELS table for TCS catalog ingestion
GVPPLATF-125458: [gvp.catchup.agent] Create new country metadata-show country
GVPPLATF-125391: [gvp.db] New parameters for Blacknut Catalogue
GVPPLATF-125349: [gvp.mibserver] Add Standings Block to Tournament Page
GVPPLATF-125274: [react] UX reference, add VoD channels block
GVPPLATF-125244: [gvp.catalogExporter] Add subjects to LBL object
GVPPLATF-125233: [gvp.db] Add subjects of labels
GVPPLATF-124577: [gvp.db] - Parameters Empty State
GVPPLATF-124497: [gvp.mibserver3] New block Movies Criteria in CommercialOffer Page
GVPPLATF-124478: [gvp.db] new content criteria filter for movies
GVPPLATF-124414: [gvp.mibserver3] - Editorial Contents modifications
GVPPLATF-124404: [gvp.db] - Editorial Contents modifications
GVPPLATF-124363: [gvp.api]Modify CDN User Token in GetMediaUrlsStb, GetMediaUrlStb and GetLiveChannelRestartTVUrl method
GVPPLATF-124353: [blender] Modify all blender methods that returns token to add GeoblockWhiteList to the token
GVPPLATF-124227: Decomission of top.users.api -> DEVICES -> ALLOW_DEVICE_THEFT
GVPPLATF-124043: [React] [MEDIAIBOX-10088/MEDIAIBOX-10090] Html Page Migration
GVPPLATF-124013: [React] [MEDIAIBOX-9104/MEDIAIBOX-10089] Avatar Images Page Migration
GVPPLATF-122519: [gvp.catalogexporter] Export new properties and relations to ContentApi II (LBL)
GVPPLATF-121029: [blender] RemoveTrustedDevice
GVPPLATF-120926: [blender] RegisterTrustedDevice
GVPPLATF-120780: [blender] LoginTrustedDevice
GVPPLATF-118737: [gvp.db] - Datamodel changes for channelMap sharing
GVPPLATF-117254: [gvp.catalogExporter] - Review datamodelchanges for channelMap sharing

GVP 24.12 SP2 (05.11-18.11)

GVPPLATF-126678: [gvp.db] - Parameters for Search By LCH Entity
GVPPLATF-126468: [gvp.db] Add content_selection_id to GVP_COMMERCIAL_OFFER
GVPPLATF-126433: [gvp.db] New Parameters for API-HUB
GVPPLATF-126297: [gvp.sports.api] /instances/{instanceId}/matches/{matchId} - add group name, matchTime and periodId
GVPPLATF-126016: [gvp.provision.api] - PUT /devices - Send model to Users API
GVPPLATF-125951: [gvp.db] - Parameters for Search As You Type
GVPPLATF-125852: [gvp.catalogexporter] Export always MIBChannels configured as ColdStart in Searches
GVPPLATF-125756: [gvp.db] - New Athena parameters to improve LXD catchup
GVPPLATF-125455: [gvp.catalogexporter] Export country metadata for EPG programs/VoD in catalog exporter
GVPPLATF-125381: [gvp.catalogExporter] Add ca_neocatalog to some objects
GVPPLATF-125285: [gvp.catalogexporter] - Add SER to CHA when EPI is inside and add LSR when any LSC or MOV is in the channel
GVPPLATF-125254: [gvp.mibserver] Labels Page
GVPPLATF-125138: [blender] Renew
GVPPLATF-124567: [gvp.catalogexporter] Export new properties in Persons
GVPPLATF-124424: [gvp.catalogexporter] - Editorial Contents modifications
GVPPLATF-124211: [gvp.catalogexporter] Export cold start labels to ContentApi III
GVPPLATF-124023: [React] [MEDIAIBOX-9217] Command Types Page Migration
GVPPLATF-120802: [blender] ModifyTrustedDevice

GVP 24.12 SP3 (19.11-02.12)

GVPPLATF-127099: [gvp.db] - New Parameters for Nube fan content consumer
GVPPLATF-127068: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices [Dolby Digital Plus]
GVPPLATF-126935: [gvp.db] New parameter for HBO instances ingestion
GVPPLATF-126874: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices
GVPPLATF-126861: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices (User Centrics)
GVPPLATF-126838: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices (Thumbnails in Timeshift)
GVPPLATF-126722: [gvp.mibserver3][Live Channels] New block with Channel Map info (OPSSUP-4405)
GVPPLATF-126667: [blender] Discard events in the future
GVPPLATF-126455: [blender] ModifyTrustedDevice - Consolidated definition
GVPPLATF-126074: [blender] RemoveTrustedDevice - Consolidated
GVPPLATF-125986: [blender] RegisterTrustedDevice - Consolidated definition
GVPPLATF-125745: [blender] GetUserChannelMap
GVPPLATF-125603: [gvp.api] - Changes to support channelMap Sharing
GVPPLATF-125334: [gvp.catalogexporter.agent] - Export MOVIES with CA_channelmap. Review HasRegionalContent and LiveSeries
GVPPLATF-124487: [gvp.catalogexporter] Exportar movies TVOD/VODBoth asociadas a una CommercialOffer
GVPPLATF-123659: [blender] GetUser
GVPPLATF-121040: [blender] ConfirmRegisterTrustedDeviceChallenge
GVPPLATF-120967: [blender] RegisterTrustedDeviceChallenge
GVPPLATF-118738: [gvp.mibserver3] [Channel Maps] New block Regions to support shared channel maps

GVP 24.12 SP4 (03.12-09.12)

GVPPLATF-126885: [MIB] Change "id not found" message in movie page and importer schedules page
GVPPLATF-123210: [React] [MEDIAIBOX-10189] Pricing Model Page Migration

GVP 24.12.1 SP1 (24.12-20.1)

GVPPLATF-128486: [gvp.db] New index in GVP_EPG_PROGRAMS
GVPPLATF-128381: [gvp.content.purge] - Changes in contentPurge
GVPPLATF-128301: [gvp.catalogexporter] Export a new property in MOV objects for FanContent Catalog
GVPPLATF-128290: [gvp.db] New field in GVP_MOVIES for FanContent catalog
GVPPLATF-125561: [gvp.epg.async] Modify program consumer - Remove program tags logic
GVPPLATF-123205: [React] Bundle Packages Page Migration