GVP 25.3 Documentation Changelog
- Package Doc: https://agilecontent1.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/GVPTeamall/ERyz4-OAFN5DtEVv9ND0bNUBPT1KTS1lhQFdMOqOP9cqzQ?e=Z0NW07
- Diff Config: https://agilecontent1.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/GVPTeamall/EQoWmerDPhpHnH3OwfHRd5MBTG6DmrQzcIKQOG6CIKk1jQ?e=Duqgjd
- Legacy Integration: https://jira.tid.es/browse/GVPPLATF-128901
- Legacy Changelog: http://docs.agilesvcs.com/mediaibox/6.0/changelog.html
- React Integration: https://jira.tid.es/browse/GVPPLATF-129004
- React Changelog: https://github.com/agilecontent/MibFrontEnd/releases
- React Roadmap Status: https://agilecontent1.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/GVPTeamall/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?e=jdATn3&wdOrigin=TEAMS-MAGLEV.teams_ns.rwc&wdExp=TEAMS-TREATMENT&wdhostclicktime=1719403869620&web=1&share=ESKs1u0prPJDkfxBWkAT92YB4IBDxKRsXAZWImMpO-qs2w
- Integration: N/A
- Changelog: http://docs.agilesvcs.com/drmissuer/docs/changelog.html
GVP 25.3 SP1 (7.1-20.1)
GVPPLATF-127524: [gvp.db] - Add new column to the GVP_APPS
GVPPLATF-128019: [gvp.catalog.exporter] Modify CA_UniqueId
GVPPLATF-127546: [gvp.catalogexporter] - Export GVP_APPS.IS_SEARCHABLE as CA_isSearchable
GVPPLATF-127008: [gvp.catalogexporter] - VODChannels with Only LNK linked to it should not be invalidated
GVPPLATF-127580: [gvp.catchup.agent] Fill gvp_movies.content_id
GVPPLATF-127952: [gvp.db] Create table GVP_TAGS_INSTANCES
GVPPLATF-127401: [gvp.db] - Remove duplicated Parameters from SEARCH
GVPPLATF-127027: [gvp.db] Data Model changes for unique content
GVPPLATF-128239: [gvp.db] New parameters for Latch integration
GVPPLATF-127451: [gvp.db] New parameters for SDK requests
GVPPLATF-128164: [gvp.db] Parameters for unique content
GVPPLATF-123205: [React] Bundle Packages Page Migration
GVPPLATF-124134: [React] Instances Page Migration
GVP 25.3 SP3 (4.2-17.2)
GVPPLATF-127504: [gvp.epg.async] Descarga de imágenes contra nueva API CWF
GVPPLATF-127356: [blender] GetItemsTags
GVPPLATF-125218: [blender] GetMediaUrlsStb (Transparent)
GVPPLATF-125208: [blender] GetMediaUrlStb (Transparent)
GVPPLATF-127324: [blender] LoginAnonymous
GVPPLATF-127367: [blender] TagItem
GVPPLATF-127378: [blender] UntagItem
GVPPLATF-127598: [gvp.catalog.exporter] Migrate LABELS relations queries from GVP_MOVIES_TAGS / GVP_EPG_PROGRAMS_TAGS to GVP_CONTENTS_LABELS
GVPPLATF-128046: [gvp.catalog.exporter] Modify LBL queries
GVPPLATF-128442: [gvp.catalogexporter.agent] Export CODE in PER object
GVPPLATF-126594: [gvp.catalogExporter] - ContentOrder Changes
GVPPLATF-128735: [gvp.db] Create indexes
GVPPLATF-128783: [gvp.db] - Parameters for Search Revamp: Algorithms
GVPPLATF-129159: [gvp.db] - Parameters for Search Revamp: Algorithms 2
GVPPLATF-128327: [gvp.db] Create new column IMPORT_TYPE in DMM_IMPORTER_SCHEDULER db table
GVPPLATF-128991: [gvp.db] Parameters for CWF API Image Download
GVPPLATF-127535: [gvp.mibserver3] - Changes on the [APPS page] apps page
GVPPLATF-125893: [React] Labels Page Migration
GVP 25.3 SP0 (17.12-6.1)
GVPPLATF-128103: [gvp.db] New parameters - Search Revamp
GVP 25.3 SP2 (21.1-3.2)
GVPPLATF-128610: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Piracy CDN
GVPPLATF-128010: [content enricher] Identification of unique content
GVPPLATF-128221: [gvp.catalogexporter] Export new searchableLabels relation
GVPPLATF-128701: [gvp.db] - Create new entries for Netflix-CategoryRows in GVP_ENUM_THIRD_PARTY_USE_CASE_EXTRA_INFO
GVPPLATF-127558: [gvp.db] - Parameters for Search Revamp: Apps & Living Apps
GVPPLATF-128596: [gvp.db] - Remove Parameters for Nube Fan Content not needed
GVPPLATF-128453: [gvp.db] New field CODE in GVP_PERSONS
GVPPLATF-128512: [gvp.db] New parameter to restrict Airplay streaming sessions over DRM Fairplay
GVPPLATF-127433: [gvp.db] New parameters for Apple TV+ Catalogue
GVPPLATF-128626: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices
GVPPLATF-128500: [gvp.mibserver] [Labels Page] modifications labels page
GVPPLATF-128393: [gvp.mibserver] new field in [Movies Page] movies page
GVPPLATF-128464: [gvp.mibserver] New field in [Person Page]
GVP 25.3 SP4 (18.2-24.2)
GVPPLATF-128210: [MIB REACT] MIB3 Integration with Apache Airflow (CWF) dmm control block
GVPPLATF-128878: [MIB3] [Vouchers page] Enable multiple copies vouchers page
GVPPLATF-124033: [React] GVP Jobs Page Migration