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Represents a PricingModels object. Pricing model is object who has information about what price should be applied to a product and what rule should be use to show the information as if the Pricing is for TEF user or No-TEF user. Has the information about the recurrence (Daily, Monthly, etc) and quality.

Almost all PricingModel is assigned to a PricingModelGroup, even though is possible assign a content direct to one pricing model.


Field Data Type Description
AgeRating InstanceAgeRating
AvailableForThisDevice bool
AvailableForThisDeviceInHD bool
AvailableForThisDeviceInSD bool
ChildrenCount int
CommercializationType CommercializationType
Distributor Distributor
Duration int
Genres Genre
ID int
Images Array of Image
IsDtp bool
Medias Media
OrderEpisode int
PlaybackAccess PlaybackRight
Producer Producer
RequiresPin bool
ResizableImages Array of Image
SeasonId int
SeriesId int
ShortDescription String
Stars double
Subtitles Subtitle
Title String
Type MovieType
Views int
Year int



"ID": 13939,
"SeriesId": 0,
"SeasonId": 0,
"Type": 1,
"Title": "_Bem-vindo ao canal Adulto",
"Duration": 60,
"Year": 0,
"AgeRating": {
AgeRating object
"Subtitles": [
Array of Subtitle object
"Genres": [
Array of Genre objects
"Stars": 2.81818181818182,
"Views": 235,
"ShortDescription": "Bem-vindo ao canal ...",
"Images": [
Array of Image object
"ResizableImages": [
Array of Image object
"RequiresPin": true,
"ChildrenCount": 0,
"Medias": [
Array of Media
"AvailableForThisDevice": true,
"AvailableForThisDeviceInHD": true,
"AvailableForThisDeviceInSD": true,
"OrderEpisode": 0,
"PlaybackAccess": 2,
"IsDtp": false,
"Distributor": {
Distributor object
"CommercializationType": 4,
"Producer": {


Known issues


Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial data type implementation Harley Cabral

See also