
From Gvp-public
Revision as of 21:56, 9 September 2014 by Rcalvo (talk | contribs)
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Represents a Instance object. Instances are the information usually about each OB and has his own properties and configuration. Each environment has many instances as need.


Field Data Type Description
ID int Unique identifier for the Instance
Title String The title for the Instance that will be shown to end users
DefaultLanguageId int
DefaultMovieStars int
CountryCodes String
CMGConnectorEndPoint String



"ID": 25,
"Title": "Vivo Play",
"DefaultLanguageId": 3,
"DefaultMovieStars": 3,
"CountryCodes": [
"CMGConnectorEndPoint": ""


Known issues


Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial data type implementation Harley Cabral

See also