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Represents one field in the user registration form.


Field Data Type Description
ID int Unique identifier for the Registration field
Title String The title for the registration field that will be shown to end users
Type int Type of registration field (enumeration). See RegistrationFieldType enumeration for more information
Values Array of RegistrationFieldValues Contains an array of RegistrationFieldValues (GVP_REGISTRATION_FIELDS_VALUES) associated with this registration field
Required bool Indicates if the Registration field is mandatory to be filled or not during registration or can be left empty.
ValidationRegex String Regex to be applied in the client application to verify that the registration field value provided by the user follows the format specified. Regular Expression for client-side validation is optional. Usage of these is recommended for optimal client experience, but not required. The API will not apply this validation.
Field int Registration Required Field Type Enum value. See RegistrationRequiredFieldType enumeration for more information
Position int Display order for presenting the registration field to the user
ValidationMask String Mask that should be used to put a mask on the field, for easy viewing of the user on what format the field will be filled. Example “999.999.999-99”
CustomFieldKey String Custom field key configured that uniquely identifies a custom field
CanModify bool Indicates if the Registration Field can be used in Registration Field Modification operations. See ModifyUser method for more information.
Parent Parent Registration Field Contains information regarding the parent of this Registration Field. The values contained are:
  • ParentID (int)ID of the parent RegistrationField
  • Mandatory (bool): Boolean indicating if the field is mandatory
  • Visible (bool): Boolean indicating if the field is visible to the end user
DescriptionParent String Text that should be displayed to the end user when linking the registration field with its parent
IsBlocking bool Indicates that registration should be blocked if this current field is a single selection and its value is true
IsBlockingMessage String Text to be shown to the end user when blocking the registration
Mandatory bool Indicates if the field is mandatory for registration
ShowKeyboard bool Indicates if the application should show a keyboard when the user tries to type this registration field



"ID": 1101,
"Title": "Gender",
"Type": 3,
"Values": [
"Title": "Femenino",
"Value": "2"
"Title": "Masculino",
"Value": "1"
"Required": false,
"ValidationRegex": "",
"Field": 7,
"Position": 17,
"ValidationMask": "",
"CustomFieldKey": "Gender",
"CanModify": true,
"ParentID": 0,
"Mandatory": false,
"Visible": true
"DescriptionParent": "",
"IsBlocking": false,
"IsBlockingMessage": "",
"Mandatory": false,
"ShowKeyboard": false


Known issues


Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
1.0 Initial data type implementaton Harley Cabral

See also