|ParamDescription=A comma-separated list of desired source types to get recommendations from. In this case the engine will try its best to provide recommendations for all the requested views (though it might be possible that some views return fewer items than the requested number).
|ParamType=Content Type enumint
|ParamDescription=Code for the content type to filter. Default is 0.
|ParamType=List of Catalog Type enumsint
|ParamDescription=A comma-separated list of desired catalog types to get recommendations from. Some combination of catalog types are not allowed:
|ParamType=List of Filter Type enumsint
|ParamDescription= A comma-separated list of desired filter types to apply to VoD and LinearTV recommendations. This is a new parameter added in OpenGVP 3.2. Default is 0.
|ParamType=List of Time Filter Type enumsint
|ParamDescription= A comma-separated list of desired time filter types to apply to LinearTV recommendations.